CCS has added new functions and features into the PCM compiler to support the Enhanced Midrange Core Families PIC16F1xxx and PIC12F1xxx - and it is available NOW.
Benefits to these devices include a 16-level hardware stack with overflow/underflow RESET capabilities, up to 56K instruction sets and 4K of RAM. CCS has Built-in functions for the additional and enhanced peripherals, a reduction of inline system functions using the 16-level call stack, compatibility switching for translating old or hard-coded addresses to new SFR registers and full support for the new instruction set.
These devices are less expensive and reduce code size . . . let the CCS PCM show you how. Look for the CCS PIC16F1937 Development Kit early October! The kit tutorial includes exercises for using the new built-in functions, access enhanced peripherals, and reducing code size.
For additional details on the Enhanced Midrange Core architecture or PCM support, visit:
FREE to Current Customers on active maintenance. Click here to download:
PCM or any IDE customers, click here to renew your support:
New Customers, click here to obtain pricing or shop for PCM, PCW, PCWH, PCWHD: