Friday 23 January, 2009 Expand to read article below Take this limited-time survey and get a free gift or discounts from CCS. This is your chance to offer real-world experience and information on 8-bit microcontrollers and development tools.
To take the survey please click here or go to
Not interested? Please pass this information and link on to friends or co-workers! | Monday 26 January, 2009 Expand to read article belowA beta version of CCSLOAD, the programmer control software, is ready to try! Now supports all CCS device programmers including; ICD-U40, ICD-S40, Mach-X, Load-n-Go, and PRIME8.
CCSLOAD features better support for multiple device programmers on the same PC, new hands-free mode in the production programming window, more descriptive error messages and diagnostics that enable extensive checking of hex files, programmers, and targets to identify problems and much more!
There are three styles of the program available for download; each built to cater to specific customer needs- you pick the program that best fits your application!
1.CCSLOAD.EXE may be used as a Windows GUI program or as a command-line operated program with pop-up windows
2.CCSLOADER.EXE a command-line only version of the program (no pop-up windows)
3.ccsloader.exe for our Linux customers
Beta available for download at
To learn more about CCSLOAD click here | Tuesday 17 March, 2009 Expand to read article belowIntroducing Tag Connect, a new production ICSP™ programming cable that eliminates the need for a ICSP™ connector on your product. Tag Connect uses a direct pin-to-circuit connection that allows the connector to "plug" directly into the PCB. Simply add the connector footprint at the time of PCB production and you are set! By eliminating the connector, PCB space is gained and overall cost of the board is reduced. Tag Connect provides ICSP™ Program/Debug capabilities and is equipt with a modular end that works with existing ICD programmers on the market. Tag Connect works with all CCS programmers and debuggers- both new and old!
Currently CCS is the exclusive distributor of Tag Connect. Learn more about how Tag Connect can save you money at! | Tuesday 17 March, 2009 Expand to read article belowA new look and features have been incorporated in CCSLOAD to make programming a breeze. Key features include enhanced program security, improved diagnostics, and a new production interface.
Enhanced security options enable file wide CRC checking, failed chips to be erased and the ability to verify protected code so that it cannot be read after programming. Extensive diagnostics now allow each target pin connection to be individually tested. The PC driver tests aid in identifying specific driver installation problems.
CCSLOAD has a modern straightforward production interface. Simply point, click and program! Additions to HEX file organization include associating comments or a graphic image to a file to better ensure proper file selection for programming. Audio cues now indicate the success of your program load. The hands-free mode auto programs each time a new target is connected, allowing for quick programming in a production environment.
All CCS device programmers are supported including; ICD-U40, ICD-S40, Mach-X, Load-n-Go, and PRIME8. CCSLOAD stand-alone software can be used by PCW customers wanting to program with Microchip MPLAB®ICD 2, MPLAB®ICD 3 or MPLAB®REAL ICE™programmers.
Experience CCSLOAD and its powerful command line options today! Go to
To check out additional CCSLOAD features at | Monday 06 April, 2009 Expand to read article belowComplete In-Circuit Programming and Debugging with the new ICD-U64 for Microchip PIC®MCU and dsPIC®DSC devices. The ICD-U64 is faster than the ICD-U40 and will soon replace it.
Coming soon!
Special debugging capabilities for Enhanced Mid-Rang PIC16 devices
To learn more about the New ICD-U64 please visit | Friday 17 April, 2009 Expand to read article belowThe new faster ICD-U64 In-Circuit Programmer and Debugger is now in stock and available for purchase! The ICD-U64 is 2x faster when loading a full PIC18F4520 than the ICD-U40 and the single step in the debugger is 3x faster then MPLAB® ICD2.
Integrate the ICD-U64 with your CCS IDE Compiler for debugging or pair your ICD-U64 with Tag Connect, a cost saving revolutionary ICSP™ Programming cable for production. Also try new and improved CCSLOAD programmer control software today with the ICD-U64.
Please visit to purchase your ICD-U64 today!
Just a reminder that Masters 2009 conference is right around the corner and CCS will be teaching a C compiler class. The conference runs July 27th thru August 1st at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort Phoenix, AZ. Additional class information to follow! | Friday 19 June, 2009 Expand to read article belowIt's summer and time once again for the MASTERS worldwide conference! CCS will again be presenting the highly recommended course, “Using the CCS C Compiler for Rapid Development of Microcontroller Applications.” This is an ideal course for the new or experienced CCS C Compiler user to become better acquainted with fundamental compiler methods. Attendees learn specific techniques for 8-bit to 16-bit PIC®MCU migration, as well as CCS API for controlling the PIC®MCU peripherals; including CCS’s unique API that allows serial I/O (asynchronous, SPI, I2C™) on any GPIO pins. The hands-on portion of the class utilizes the CCS PIC16F887 prototyping board for further exploration of IDE applications, Wizards and advanced debugging techniques using the CCS In-Circuit Debugger. New features added to the compiler in the past year will also be discussed. For more detailed class descriptions and scheduled start and end times, please check the Microchip MASTERs 2009 website for CCS class number 1318.
Visit our booth at the Third Party Tool Bazaar and evaluate the CCS C Compiler with Enhanced Mid-Range Core support. Demo the all-encompassing programmer line or try the new Capacitive Touch prototyping board. New all-inclusive development kits utilizing PIC24 and the Enhanced Mid-Range Core of PIC16®microcontrollers will also be rolled out at MASTERS 2009. CCS representatives will be available for further discussion during conference.
Compilers and selected programmers will be sold on-site at the Microchip Store.
Sign-up for the raffle to win a compiler or Load-n-Go!
MASTERs is a highly technical conference hosted by Microchip in an effort to advance the knowledge of Microchip developers. This years MASTERs will be at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge in Phoenix, Arizona. The conference runs July 27- August 1. Register today, and be sure to sign up for the CCS class! | Friday 19 June, 2009 Expand to read article belowCCS currently sells PIC® MCU development tools in over 107 countries worldwide. Although C is a universal language- reading our website may not have been as easy.
CCS has implemented the Google Translator tool to aid those who would prefer to read the technical information in their native language. Look for the translation tool at the top of the website next to log in and cart contents.
| Tuesday 11 August, 2009 Expand to read article belowMASTERs 2009 conference was buzzing with information and demonstrations of the new generation of Enhanced Mid-Range Family of PIC16 devices that include mTouch™Sensing technology. CCS previewed our NEW Capacitive Touch Development Board and compiler libraries in a fun hands-on application.
The CCS Capacitive Touch board uses the new PIC16LF727 device for creating human touch applications and utilizing contact sensitive hardware. Instead of using mechanical switches or buttons that can break, the Capacitive Touch pads are activated by placing a human finger over the pad and the user's natural electrical properties generate the needed response or change.
Cut development time by utilizing specific Capacitive Touch functions built into the CCS C Compiler. The #USE TOUCH_PAD library reduces roughly 500 lines of assembly to 1 line of C code! A full version of the CCS C Compiler is available with the development kit.
The CCS Exercise tutorial contains 14 example programs that step the user through Capacitive Touch applications. Use the16 on-board programmable capacitive pads and LCD to quickly develop "touch" applications. In addition, the board is equipped with *Tag Connect footprint for ICSP™ programming and a ICD-U64 that can be used with all Flash-supported PIC®MCU devices.
For additional information or to order today, go to:
* Tag Connect Cable sold separately
mTouch is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology, Inc. in the USA and in other countries. | Tuesday 15 September, 2009 Expand to read article belowCCS has added new functions and features into the PCM compiler to support the Enhanced Midrange Core Families PIC16F1xxx and PIC12F1xxx - and it is available NOW.
Benefits to these devices include a 16-level hardware stack with overflow/underflow RESET capabilities, up to 56K instruction sets and 4K of RAM. CCS has Built-in functions for the additional and enhanced peripherals, a reduction of inline system functions using the 16-level call stack, compatibility switching for translating old or hard-coded addresses to new SFR registers and full support for the new instruction set.
These devices are less expensive and reduce code size . . . let the CCS PCM show you how. Look for the CCS PIC16F1937 Development Kit early October! The kit tutorial includes exercises for using the new built-in functions, access enhanced peripherals, and reducing code size.
For additional details on the Enhanced Midrange Core architecture or PCM support, visit:
FREE to Current Customers on active maintenance. Click here to download:
PCM or any IDE customers, click here to renew your support:
New Customers, click here to obtain pricing or shop for PCM, PCW, PCWH, PCWHD: |