CCS News

Tech Note: Real Time Serial IO Monitor

Tuesday 27 May, 2014

C-Aware IDE Compilers are able to read data streamed to a PC where it can be plotted in real time using the IDE's Serial Input/Output Monitor. From the 'Tools' ribbon launch the Serial Input/Output Monitor program, which is a powerful and easy-to-use serial port terminal program. Serial Input/Output Monitor allows the user to easily connect to a serial COM port or telnet port.

The Data Graph in the screenshot above was generated using the following code:

#include "e3mini.h"

#define GRAPH_TITLE "Sin Graph"
#define GRAPH_X_MIN "0"
#define GRAPH_X_MAX "719"
#define GRAPH_Y_MIN "-1"
#define GRAPH_Y_MAX "1"

#include <graph_siow.h>
#include <math.h>

void main (void) {


for(int16 z = 0; z < 720; z++) {
graph_points2(sin((z*3.14)/180), cos((z*3.14)/180));

Serial Input/Output Monitor also offers advanced features such as file transfer, microcontroller boot-loading, macros, logging, and graphing. Devices capable of outputting comma delimited ASCII data through a USB or RS-232 port can have their output displayed in real-time on a graph from within the IDE. The device can be connected directly to the PC's USB or serial port; no debugger or other hardware is required. This capability is especially useful when debugging data acquisition systems and sensors, motion control systems, etc.

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