CCS has added new #use capture() and #use pwm() libraries that makes it easier to use the PIC® MCU capture/compare/PWM, input capture and output capture peripherals. There are sometimes challenges in using these peripherals when designing the PWM to operate at a desired frequency and resolution, or configuring the capture peripheral to measure events at a known time duration. Another challenge is that the configuration is generally only valid for certain PIC families and one oscillator speed; changing the PIC® or the oscillator would mean reviewing and updating the way those peripherals are configured.
CCS’s new #use capture() and #use pwm() libraries solve these problems by making it easy to use these peripherals and making the code portable to different PIC® MCUs and oscillator speeds.
- #use capture() is when the input capture peripheral samples and holds a timer value when the peripheral’s input pin reaches the desired level. This peripheral is useful for measuring the time duration between two events.
- #use pwm() is for Pulse-width modulation (PWM), the method of pulsing a digital signal on/off to represent an analog signal. A PWM's two properties are its frequency and duty cycle. A duty cycle is the ratio the digital signal is on versus off.
See examples of these libraries with further details by clicking through to: Version 5
Additional configurations and control options will also be available in Version 5. Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions about the serial library upgrades.....
Want to be a beta tester* for Version 5.... or make suggestions on what you would like to see in Version thru to the above link!
*All customers with active maintenance are eligible to apply for V.5 betas.
All customers with active maintenance when V.5 is released will receive V.5 at no additional cost.
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