Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find my ICD-S/U revision number?

The product ID on an ICD-S/U can help you determine the chips and voltages supported by that particular revision.

ICD-S/U Revision Support
Product ID # Any Chip
VDD = 5.0V
3.0V - 5.0V Chips
VDD = 2.5V - 4.5V
3.0V Only Chips
Newest Chips
(more info)
EP Chip
ICD-U64 195 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
193, 194 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
ICD-U40 101 - 108 Yes Yes Yes No No
100 Yes Yes* No No No
96 - 99 Yes Yes* No No No
< 96 Yes No No No No

* Operation at lower voltages and/or with some loads on pins B6, B7 may be unreliable.

Using CCSLoad to Find the Product ID

  1. Connect the ICD-S/U to the PC and open CCSLoad.
  2. On the Device tab, click on the Programmer Info tab in the table.
  3. The product ID and firmware will be listed in the table.

Using ICD to Find the Product ID

  1. Connect the ICD-S/U to the PC and open ICD.
  2. In the status bar at the bottom of the ICD window, check the center field.
  3. The product ID and firmware will be listed in the format: M.NN Rev #PID

Hardware Upgrades:

  • CCS can upgrade revision 96 - 108 to a 195 for $50 and 193 & 194 to 195 for $25, not including shipping. To upgrade, click here.
  • M is the major firmware revision. M must be 2 or higher to support 24-bit parts. Units with version 1 cannot upgrade to version 2 firmware automatically; the unit must be sent back to CCS to be updated.

For more information or additional help about ICD-S/U hardware revisions, contact CCS Technical Support.

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