USB Development Kit

USB Development Kit
Development Kit Options
Tools Includedw/Compiler
Compiler SoftwarePCWH  
Prototyping boardXXX
Power supply & cablesXX 
Exercise bookXX 
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*Hardware only and proto-boards are intended for customers already owning a CCS compiler.

This kit enables users to begin USB interface development with Microchip's PIC® PIC18 family. The development kit includes the powerful PCWH Integrated Development Environment with compiler support for Microchip's PIC® PIC10, PIC12, PIC16 and PIC18 families and an ICD-U80 in-circuit programmer/debugger that supports C-aware real time debugging. The prototyping board features the PIC18F45K50 with an on-chip USB controller peripheral. PC software (with source) is included to communicate with the USB board. CCS provided examples include human interface applications and a high speed example emulating an oscilloscope.

The USB Prototyping Board (Size: 3" x 1.75") includes:

Prototyping Board Image
  • PIC18F45K50 Flash Chip
  • 26 I/O Pins (11 Can Be Analog)
  • RS-232 Port and RS-232 Level Converter
  • Three LEDs
  • One Potentiometer
  • One Push-button
  • One Jumper to Configure board as self-powered or USB powered
  • USB B Connector

Two example programs are provided with the CCS C compiler. The first example is how to configure the board to act as a HID device, the second is an example how to configure the board to act as a USB device that accepts and receives bulk mode transfers. C source code, Microsoft Windows applications and source used for both examples are provided.

The USB Development Kit includes:

Click here to view the Prototyping Accessories.

C-Aware IDE Demo
Embedded C Learners Kit
EZ App Lynx