Touch Display 4.3 Development Kit

Touch Display 4.3 Development Kit
Development Kit Options
Tools IncludedPCWHD
Compiler SoftwarePCWHDPCDIDE  
Prototyping boardXXXX
Power supply & cablesXXX 
Exercise bookXXX 
*Hardware only and proto-boards are intended for customers already owning a CCS compiler.
View Details. The estimated return to stock date is June 30, 2025.

The new Touch Display 4.3 Development Kit is all that is needed to develop a GUI using the Graphics and Touch Library. Powered by a PIC24EP512GU810 it has a 4.3" 480x272 TFT display with a resistive touchscreen, a 256 megabyte flash, capable of storing hundreds of 480x272 images and custom fonts, a USB connection and 8 digital I/O pins that can be used for external inputs and outputs. No device programmer required - includes onboard programming capabilities.

Touchscreen on PC

Included is a software IDE to draw out a GUI and the C library for drawing graphics and handling touch.

  • Draw an Image
  • Draw an Object
  • Handle Touch

Touch Display 4.3 Prototyping Board (Size: 4.75" x 2.63") includes:

Prototyping Board Image
  • PIC24EP512GU810 Microchip PIC® MCU
  • 8 I/O Pins
  • 4.3" 480x272 TFT Display with a Resistive Touchscreen
  • 256 Megabyte Flash
  • USB Connector
  • Micro USB Cable

Touch Display 4.3 Development Kit includes:

Click here to view the Prototyping Accessories.

Interface Designer Icon

Interface Designer

A Simple, Fast Solution to Create GUI and Handling Touchscreen Function

CCS introduces a new Graphics and Touch Library and Interface Designer software in the CCS C Compiler. This package has every thing you need to quickly and easily develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) using a graphics LCD and touchscreen. The package consists of a C library for drawing on an LCD and handling touch input, a software package for designing a GUI to be displayed using the C library, and a development kit to get started with the package very easily.

The C library displays bitmap images that are stored on an external memory device, for example an external flash. The library provides the functions gfx_LoadImage() and gfx_EraseImage() for easily loading and erasing images from the external memory. In addition the graphics library provides a method for loading and displaying custom fonts. The functions gfx_LoadFont() and gfx_EraseFont() are provided to easily load and remove custom fonts. The following is a list of functions in the library used to control what is displayed on the graphics LCD:

  • gfx_InitGraphics()
  • gfx_DisplayImage()
  • gfx_RemoveImage()
  • gfx_RemoveAllImages()
  • gfx_ClearScreen()
  • gfx_RedrawScreen()
  • gfx_FillArea()
  • gfx_FillAreaAbsolute()
  • gfx_DrawLineAbsolute()
  • gfx_DrawCircleAbsolute()
  • gfx_DisplayString()
  • gfx_DisplayStringAbsolute()

For the touch portion of the C library the functions gfx_TouchTask() and gfx_SetTouchCallback() are provided to use it. The gfx_TouchTask() function is a task function that needs to be called at least once per main loop to process touches. The gfx_SetTouchCallback() function is used to set the user function that is called by gfx_TouchTask(). In addition the gfx_InitGraphics() function needs to be called to set the calibration values of the touchscreen.

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