CAN Bus Development Kit

CAN Bus Development Kit
Development Kit Options
Tools Includedw/Compiler
Compiler SoftwarePCWH  
Prototyping boardXXX
Power supply & cablesXX 
Exercise bookXX 
*Hardware only and proto-boards are intended for customers already owning a CCS compiler.
View Details. The estimated return to stock date is June 30, 2025.

This kit enables users to begin CAN network development with Microchip's PIC® PIC18 family. The development kit includes the powerful PCWH Integrated Development Environment with compiler support for Microchip's PIC® PIC10, PIC12, PIC16 and PIC18 families and an ICD-U80 in-circuit programmer/debugger that supports C-aware real time debugging. The prototyping board has four nodes nodes and includes a PIC18F4580 with an integrated CAN peripheral, a PIC16F876A connected to an MCP2515 CAN peripheral, and two MCP25050 CAN expanders. CAN drivers and example code are also included.

The first node is a PIC18F4580 which includes an integrated CAN peripheral. This node is also connected to a potentiometer, three LEDs and one pushbutton.

The second node is a PIC16F876A connected to an MCP2515, an external CAN peripheral which is connected to a microcontroller over SPI. This node is also connected to a potentiometer, three LEDs and one pushbutton.

The last two nodes are MCP25050s, stand-alone CAN expanders which have already been pre-programmed by CCS to respond to specific CAN IDs. One of these nodes is connected to a potentiometer, three LEDs and three pushbuttons. The other node is connected to a 7-segment LED.

An extra CAN transceiver has also been left open to connect the CAN Bus Prototype board with other CAN systems.

CAN Bus Prototyping Board (Size: 4.75" x 3.25") includes:

Prototyping Board Image
  • PIC18F4580
  • PIC16F876A
  • 30 I/O Pins (10 Can Be Analog)
  • MCP2515
  • Two MCP25050
  • Three Potentiometers
  • Nine LEDs
  • 7-Segment LED
  • Two RS-232 Ports
  • RS-232 Level Converter
  • ICD Jack

CAN Bus Development Kit includes:

Click here to view the Prototyping Accessories.

C-Aware IDE Demo
Embedded C Learners Kit
EZ App Lynx