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PCH - IO Problem

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Jerry Finsen

PCH - IO Problem
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:56 pm     Reply with quote

I have a series of programs that worked fine on a 16F877 that I am porting to an 18F458. My Keyboard routines that work fine on the 877 do not work on the 458. I have been able to strip the code to the minimum amount that demonstrates the problem.

I suspect I am missing something simple --- like a fuse or something. Spent two days on this --- time to look for help.

I am running 3.148 of the compiler on a Win2k machine. Target board is the Micro Engineering X1 Board.


#ifdef __PCH__
#include <18F458.h>
#include <16f877.h>

#use delay(clock=20000000)

#use rs232(baud=9600, parity=n, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7, bits=8)
#use FAST_IO(B)

void KbdInit(void);
unsigned ReadKeyboard(int1 Hold);

void main() {

unsigned Key;


#ifdef __PCH__

Key = ReadKeyboard(1);
if (Key>0)
printf("\n\r KeyPress = \%d", Key);
void KbdInit(void)
unsigned ReadKeyboard(int1 Hold)
unsigned Mask, Col, Row, Key;

/* See if any keys are pressed */

Key = INPUT_B();
if (Key == 0xF0)

/* When no Key is pressed, "Key" contains:
0x00 on the 18F458 and
0xF0 on the 16F877
0xF0 is the desired response
printf("\n\n\rKey Press \%2X", Key);

//* Code Snipped

This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 12894

Joined: 08 Sep 2003
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Re: PCH - IO Problem
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:16 pm     Reply with quote

:=I have a series of programs that worked fine on a 16F877 that I am porting to an 18F458. My Keyboard routines that work fine on the 877 do not work on the 458. I have been able to strip the code to the minimum amount that demonstrates the problem.
:=I suspect I am missing something simple --- like a fuse or something. Spent two days on this --- time to look for help.
:=I am running 3.148 of the compiler on a Win2k machine. Target board is the Micro Engineering X1 Board.
:=#ifdef __PCH__
:= #include <18F458.h>
:= #include <16f877.h>
:= #fuses HS,NOWDT,NOLVP
:=#use delay(clock=20000000)
:=#use rs232(baud=9600, parity=n, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7, bits=8)
:=#use FAST_IO(B)
:=void KbdInit(void);
:=unsigned ReadKeyboard(int1 Hold);
:=void main() {
:=unsigned Key;
:= setup_adc_ports(NO_ANALOGS);
:= setup_adc(ADC_CLOCK_DIV_2);
:= setup_psp(PSP_DISABLED);
:= setup_spi(FALSE);
:= setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL);
:= setup_timer_1(T1_INTERNAL|T1_DIV_BY_8);
:= setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED,0,1);
:= #ifdef __PCH__
:= setup_timer_3(T3_DISABLED|T3_DIV_BY_1);
:= setup_comparator(FALSE);
:= setup_wdt(WDT_OFF);
:= #endif
:= KbdInit();
:= while(1){
:= Key = ReadKeyboard(1);
:= if (Key>0)
:= printf("\n\r KeyPress = \%d", Key);
:= }
:=void KbdInit(void)
:= port_b_pullups(TRUE);
:=unsigned ReadKeyboard(int1 Hold)
:= unsigned Mask, Col, Row, Key;
:= /* See if any keys are pressed */
:= SET_TRIS_B(0);
:= OUTPUT_B(0);
:= SET_TRIS_B(0xF0);
:= Key = INPUT_B();
:= if (Key == 0xF0)
:= return(0);
:=/* When no Key is pressed, "Key" contains:
:= 0x00 on the 18F458 and
:= 0xF0 on the 16F877
:= 0xF0 is the desired response
:=printf("\n\n\rKey Press \%2X", Key);
:=//* Code Snipped
:= return(0);

It may be as simple as using a delay to allow the port to change directions before reading it. It takes a noticable time for it to switch directions.

Key = INPUT_B();

This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 12900
Jerry Finsen

Re: PCH - IO Problem
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:36 pm     Reply with quote

It was that simple! Thanks. Now to find where in the Data Sheet that little bit of information is found! It must be in there somewhere.

Thanks again


:=It may be as simple as using a delay to allow the port to change directions before reading it. It takes a noticable time for it to switch directions.
:=Key = INPUT_B();
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 12901
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