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fat.c and i2c stream "Error#12 Undefined identifier

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fat.c and i2c stream "Error#12 Undefined identifier
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:21 am     Reply with quote

I am working on a project with the PIC16F19175 on version 5.078 of CCS.

In my code, I have set up RS232 UART, I2C, and some other peripherals and have them all working. I am now trying to also integrate an SD card into my project using mmcsd.c and fat.c. When #include ".\fat.c", my code suddenly does not compile, saying that my stream identifier for I2C is undefined. This happens whether I use the original <fat.c> or if I use the one from this thread:

At this point, I am not yet concerned about any hardware hookups since the code does not even compile.

Here is the code that I feel is relevant:

#include <16F19175.h>
#include "PIC16F19175regs.h"
#use delay(clock=16000000)


#use rs232(baud=9600, UART2, bits=8, parity=N, stop=1, stream=PC, ERRORS)
#use i2c(MASTER, scl=PIN_E0, sda=PIN_E1, stream=dipSwitch, FORCE_SW)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MMCSD_PIN_SCL     PIN_C3 //o
#define MMCSD_PIN_SDI     PIN_C4 //i
#define MMCSD_PIN_SDO     PIN_C1 //o
#define MMCSD_PIN_SELECT  PIN_A5 //o

#include ".\mmcsd.c"
#include ".\fat.c"

// In this function, dipSwitch is an undefined identifier
unsigned int dipReader()
    unsigned int ans = 0;
    i2c_write(dipSwitch, 0x41); 
    ans = (int8) i2c_read(dipSwitch, 1);
    ans = (int8) i2c_read(dipSwitch, 0);
    i2c_stop(dipSwitch); // stop the i2c stream
    return ans;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        fprintf(PC, "%u\r\n", dipReader());

    return 0;

I get this error for every instance of "dipSwitch" in the i2c functions:

Error#12  Undefined identifier   dipSwitch

I can get away with not naming the stream in the i2c functions, but I would rather keep them there to make code easier to read in the future.

Does anybody have experience dealing with this problem? Why does the stream identifier break when I introduce fat.c?

I am fairly certain that it is fat.c that breaks the stream identifier. I have gotten rid of #use rs232 and I still get the same issue.

Please let me know if there is any other info that would help solve the issue. Thanks for your help.

ps. Before you ask, I am planning to use a SparkFun level translator between my 5V PIC and the SD card.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:03 am     Reply with quote

Change the name.

Do a search for dipswitch. You'll probably find that the fat driver has a #define somewhere setting this to a value, so when used as a stream name, it is undefined as such....
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 1:53 pm     Reply with quote

I investigated this and a duplicate name is not the problem.
I shortened the name to dipSw and I still got the error.

The two main facts are:

1. CCS is secretly promoting the mixed case stream name in the
#use i2c() statement to all caps. Putting a #case statement above
that line does not change this.

2. The fat.c file has a #case statement near the top.

This results in 'DIPSW' in the stream definition not matching 'dipSw' in
the i2c_start(DipSw) line and you get the error.

The solution is to use all caps for the stream name, everywhere in your
code. You could remove #case from fat.c, but potentially that would
cause other problems. It's easier to use DIPSW everywhere.

Test program:
#include <16F19175.h>
#use delay(internal=16M)
#use i2c(MASTER, scl=PIN_E0, sda=PIN_E1, stream=dipSw, FORCE_SW)

#case   // fat.c contains a #case statement here

void main()

i2c_start(dipSw);  // This causes an Undefined Identifier error

i2c_start(DIPSW);  // This compiles OK


After writing this up I searched for prior posts and found
this one in March 2018 by temtronic:

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 2:12 am     Reply with quote

Yes this is odd.
I've always used upper case for stream names. Like defines. I remember that older post coming up, but hadn't 'filed it' as of interest, since I use upper case. Should have twigged in this one.
Well done PCM_programmer.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:39 pm     Reply with quote

I see I'm getting replies from some prolific members :D

Yes, in my case, it seems like it is the #case in fat.c that is causing the issue.

I hadn't considered trying all caps before. After renaming the stream name with all caps, I can now use the stream name within the I2C functions.

Thanks for the help!
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