Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Posts: 39
icd2 icd3 in CCS IDE |
Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:21 am |
I am now having trouble using the ICD2 and ICD3 in the ccs ide. Is there any documentation on using the debuggers and setting them up? I have seen the FAQ and taken the steps listed there. I have downloaded and installed the interface module and the option to use comes up in the ide, but will not load the data to a picdem2 plus proto-board.
1. For the icd2 is able to connect, but unable to download to the target device and gives the following error: 85de0016. What can i do to get it to download to the device. I have tried powering the board directly and tried to power from the board from the ICD with the same results.
2. I do not see a configuration option to power the board from the icd2 or icd3?
3. Can I use set variable power output power levels on the ICD 3 as standard within mplab?
Compiler: 4.083
Thanks |