Looking to get 'real world' numbers on how fast a PIC can be using the internal USB port for serial communications.
Current project (5 axis CNC) is maxed out at 1 megabaud (PIC32 series) and it's too slow. 6th axis is being added as well.....sigh MORE data...
Any comments for those as to what speed I should be able to reliably get ? Maybe 10-12' of USB cabling.
Joined: 11 Mar 2010 Posts: 19520
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:06 pm
The maximum for CDC, is 64KB/sec 6553600 bits per second.
The standard driver manages to get really close to this.
One 64byte packet every mSec.
The baud rate makes no difference. This is the USB layer handling of
such devices. Any actual USB serial that functions above this has to use
custom USB drivers, not the standard Windows implementation.
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