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CCS C works on proteus not on physical PIC.
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CCS C works on proteus not on physical PIC.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:35 pm     Reply with quote

Hi my name is Agustin, I'm a noob on PIC MCU´s. I have quite many pics mcu´s and none seem to work with CCS, they work only with XC8, but I really can´t program with XC8 because I have to code way more than CCS and is more complicated. I downloaded working codes from projects on youtube and internet in general and they seem to work for the people who made the videos and they work on proteus in my PC. But when I take the .HEX and UPLOAD it ( yes it says program complete ) with my pickit 3 but it won't do a thing, not even blink an LED. Then I program myself the chip on XC8 and start working like a charm, I don't know what I'm doing wrong cause I have pic12,16,18 and it just wont work on CCS, is not the code, is not the pic, is not the pickit3. It has to be an option where I'm missing or something, it´s been 2 entire days trying to figure this out with no success is driving me crazy. Please help =(

proof that it uploads the code into the chip, and same HEX works on proteus. MPLAB IPE 3.50


The following memory area(s) will be programmed:
program memory: start address = 0x0, end address = 0x47
configuration memory
Programming/Verify complete
2017-01-08 00:03:34 -0300 - Programming complete
Pass Count: 11
PCM programmer

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:44 pm     Reply with quote

not even blink an LED

Post your test program to blink an LED with CCS. We want to see the
#include line for the PIC, the #fuses statement, #use delay(), main(), etc.

Also post a link to the schematic for your board, and post your CCS
compiler version.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 11:06 pm     Reply with quote

PCM programmer wrote:
not even blink an LED

Post your test program to blink an LED with CCS. We want to see the
#include line for the PIC, the #fuses statement, #use delay(), main(), etc.

Also post a link to the schematic for your board, and post your CCS
compiler version.

The pic I'm using is PIC12F675


#include <12F675.h>
#device ADC=10
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#define GP0 PIN_A0
#define GP1 PIN_A1
#define GP2 PIN_A2
#define GP3 PIN_A3
#define GP4 PIN_A4
#define GP5 PIN_A5

void init()

setup_comparator( NC_NC_NC_NC ); // disable comparators
setup_adc_ports( NO_ANALOGS ); // disable analog inputs
setup_adc( ADC_OFF ); // disable A2D
output_low( GP1 ); // set low
output_low( GP2 ); // set low
output_low( GP3 ); // set low
output_low( GP4 ); // set low
while ( TRUE ) // blink LED
output_high( GP1 ); // turn LED on
delay_ms( 250 ); // wait 250ms
output_low( GP1 ); // turn LED off
delay_ms( 250 ); // wait 250ms

This code works perfectly on Proteus 8. The circuit diagram is just the pickit3 pins and an LED on pin GP1 with a 220ohm resistor which is pin 6 of the chip.

I can also upload the code from XC8 that does the same thing and it works on my PIC and proteus 8.
PCM programmer

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 11:49 pm     Reply with quote

1. What is your CCS compiler version ? It's given at the top of the .LST
file. It's a 4-digit number such as 5.066 or similar.

2. What is the Vdd voltage of your PIC board. Is it +5v ?

3. Is it possible that you have erased the last address location in the
12F675 (0x3FF) ? That location holds a RETLW instruction that returns
the OSCCAL value. CCS adds code to call this location near the start
of your program. If it's not there, your program will not run properly.

You can use the Pickit3 to read the program memory and then view it.
Look at address 0x3FF. What is there ? is it a number or is it erased ?
If it's erased, it will be 0x3FFF.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:38 am     Reply with quote

I suspect PCM_programmer's suggestion that you have erased the chip fully, is probably the cause.
I've just tried this with 3.249, 4.099, 4.141, and 5.066, and with all it runs fine.

So, do what he says and read what is in location 0x3FF.

Most programmers have an option to save this value automatically for you to prevent this happening.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:07 am     Reply with quote

Ttelmah wrote:
I suspect PCM_programmer's suggestion that you have erased the chip fully, is probably the cause.
I've just tried this with 3.249, 4.099, 4.141, and 5.066, and with all it runs fine.

So, do what he says and read what is in location 0x3FF.

Most programmers have an option to save this value automatically for you to prevent this happening.

Programmer to target power is enabled - VDD = 5,000000 volts.
Target device PIC12F675 found.
Device ID Revision = b

Target has invalid calibration data (0x3f).

I have no idea what is that, version of CCS C is 5.015, that error is just for the pic12f675 but any code works on any pic I have, it runs perfectly on proteus 8, but when I upload another code for the pic16f877a it doesnt work either and the code is ok too. Then I go to XC8 and I upload it, it works on the PIC :(

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:39 am     Reply with quote

On the 675, this:
"Target has invalid calibration data"

is saying what is wrong.

On these chips the top instruction in memory, is programmed at the factory. It is a RETLW xx
where 'xx' is the calibration data for the chip.

The code at the start calls this to get the calibration for the chip. If the instruction has been erased, the chip will then hang.

Fortunately you can write a value back (but the clock will then be uncalibrated). Add:

#rom 0x3FF = {0x3480}

Which will put the 'mid range' value into the chip.

Beware though. As soon as you have done this, remove it from your code. Otherwise every chip you program with this code will have it's calibration destroyed. Then look at your programmer and see if it has an option to preserve the calibration data, to avoid this happening again.

The 877a, does not have an internal oscillator. Needs a crystal or something similar before it can work.

Proteus will believe you if you say 'chip is running at xxMHz'. The real chip won't....

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:17 am     Reply with quote

I gonna try it and tell you how it went, many thanks to you and the people of this community, coming from Arduino IDE this is some scary stuff. Everything is so raw =D.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:50 am     Reply with quote

Three things you MUST know...

1) Never, ever trust Proteus. It's full of bugs, errors and faulty DRCs ! See PIC101 sticky.

2) Never believe ANY simulator! Real World testing is the ONLY testing that is TRUE!

3) Never, ever 'think' a 'Wizard' is all powerful ! He (she/it/??) will configure a PIC to what HE wants NOT what you NEED !

PICs are very powerful and the CCS compiler does a great job of getting C into them ! Mind you I'm biased as I started with V2.534, 20 years ago ???? They sent a spiral wound manual back then !


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:24 am     Reply with quote

Ttelmah wrote:
On the 675, this:

Buddy it worked!!! Thanks I been trying for so long! and would not figure this out in 10 years! =).

I'm using a 250ms delay and I measure it with the oscilloscope and is not accurate at all is way less than it should, is it because the calibration or the internal rc oscillator isn´t just accurate itself?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:39 am     Reply with quote

re: calibration

#rom 0x3FF = {0x3480}

Which will put the 'mid range' value into the chip.

As Mr T points out, x3480 is the middle of the callibration.

You need to perform some tests, changing the value until the calibration is correct. Microchip explains how to do this in the datasheet.

Every PIC will have a different number stored even within 'batch lots'. Also the RC oscillator is temperature sensitive( again check the datasheet) to '4MHz' won't be 4MHz at say 5*F ! This WILL change ALL 'timings', so if you need accurate timing, use a xtal and 2 caps.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:36 am     Reply with quote

Make the change to preserve calibration in your programmer.

Then throw away the chip you had trouble with...

The chip HAS to be cheaper than
the time you put into trying to rescue it.

I just spent enough non-billable time in writing the
two sentences above to pay for several new chips .....
Very Happy Razz Razz Very Happy Very Happy LOL!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:58 am     Reply with quote

yup, at even a lowly $60/hr for R&D iv'e donated a LOT of my time to this project

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:29 pm     Reply with quote

Some comments:
First you now begin to see how Proteus can mislead you.
Second erasing the calibration memory, is very carefully discussed in the data sheet. Including telling you that most programmers will have an option to save this.
Accuracy of the internal oscillator will be a few percent at best, but obviously now will be much worse. You need to simply write a program that writes to the OSCCAL register, perhaps under keyboard control and change the calibration (if it is running fast, reduce the value), until the chip runs reasonably. Once it does, record the value, and then write this to the calibration.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:43 pm     Reply with quote

Ttelmah wrote:
Some comments:
First you now begin to see how Proteus can mislead you.
Second erasing the calibration memory, is very carefully discussed in the data sheet. Including telling you that most programmers will have an option to save this.
Accuracy of the internal oscillator will be a few percent at best, but obviously now will be much worse. You need to simply write a program that writes to the OSCCAL register, perhaps under keyboard control and change the calibration (if it is running fast, reduce the value), until the chip runs reasonably. Once it does, record the value, and then write this to the calibration.

Yes, now everytime I use a new code gives me back that error, I don´t know how to make the IPE to remember this. I have to use this line of code
 #rom 0x3FF = {0x3480}
everytime I get that error. Sorry if Im unbelievebly stupid, Im a complete noob at this, I can´t even get the ADC to work, I came from arduino... LOL
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