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Joined: 02 Jul 2010 Posts: 30 Location: italy
Help to this code :( |
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:19 am |
Hello to all, i'd like solve expecting declaration problem in this code:
someone can help me? i use a pic 18f4525
#define rcvPin PIN_A5
#define LED PIN_B7
int bte[768]; //Array dove viene memorizzato il pacchetto ricevuto
byte escirx; //Flag per uscire dal ciclo di ricezione
int test, newbit, numbyte, ones, inbyte;
// ************************ RX SUBROUTINES *****************
// --------------------------------------------------------------
short fcscheck(){ //computes the fcs
byte lblo,lbhi;
int k ,bt;
fcslo=fcshi=0xFF; //intialize FCS values
for (i=0;i<(numbyte-2);i++){ //calculate the FCS for all except the last two bytes
inbyte = bte[i];
for(k=0;k<8;k++){ //perform this procedure for each bit in the byte
bt = inbyte & 0x01;
lbhi=fcshi&0x01; // Memorizza il bit meno significativo di fcshi
lblo=fcslo&0x01; // Memorizza il bit meno significativo di fcslo
fcshi=fcshi>>1; // Sposta a destra di 1 bit tutti i bit di fcshi
fcslo=fcslo>>1; // Sposta a destra di 1 bit tutti i bit di fcslo
fcslo=(lbhi*128)+fcslo; // Oppure fcslo=(lbhi<<7)+fcslo; è equivalente e più veloce
if ((lblo^tbyte) == 0x01){
fcshi = fcshi^0x84;
fcslo = fcslo^0x08;
} // end of if
rotate_right(&inbyte,1); // get next bit
} //end of for
} // end of for
fcslo = fcslo^0xff;
fcshi = fcshi^0xff;
if ((bte[numbyte-1] == fcshi) && (bte[numbyte-2] == fcslo)) {
return 1;
else return 0; //if the computed values equal the last two data bytes
} //end of fscheck()
// --------------------------------------------------------------
int bitin(){ //function to read a bit
static int oldstate; //oldstate retained between runs of this function
int k;
for (k=0;k<121;k++){ //this loop allows 838 us to go by. If no state change, bit is 1
if (input(rcvPin) != oldstate){ //if state has changed
oldstate = input(rcvPin); //update oldstate
delay_us(430); // move to halfway thru the next bit
return 0; //return 0 if state changed
}//end of if
}//end of for
return 1; //return 1 if state did not change
}//end of bitin()
while (escirx == 0){ // il ciclo deve essere continuo
//Look for the 1st flag:
int cbyte = 0; //initialize
while (cbyte != 0x7e){ //find the first flag
shift_right(&cbyte,1,bitin()); //add a new bit to the left of cbyte, discard
right bit
} //end of while
output_high(LED); //turn on the DCD light
while (cbyte == 0x7e){ //find the other flags
for(i=0;i<8;i++){ //repeat this 8 times
shift_right(&cbyte,1,bitin()); //add a new bit to the left of cbyte, discard right bit
} //end of for
} //end of while -- now at end of all the flags
bte[0] = cbyte; //you've now got the first address byte
//Collect the rest of the data:
test =0;
numbyte = 1; //we already collected 1 byte
while (test != 1){ //do this until the flag at the end of the packet
for(i=0;i<8;i++){ //collect 8 bits
newbit = bitin(); //get a bit
if (newbit==1) (ones++); //increment the ones counter
else (ones = 0); //if bit is a zero, reset the ones counter
if(ones==5) { //removes bit stuffing
test = bitin(); //get the next bit but don't add it to cbyte
ones = 0; //reset the ones counter
shift_right(&cbyte,1,newbit); //append the new bit to cbyte
} //end of for
bte[numbyte] = cbyte; //add cbyte to the array
numbyte++; //increment the number of received bytes
} //end of while
//Checking the FCS and Formatting the Output
if (fcscheck()) (printout()); //if the fcs checks output the packet.
} //fine ciclo principale ricezione
void printout(){ //function to display the received packet
int i,L,m,temp;
for (m=7;m<13;m++){ //print the source callsign
if (bte[m] != 0x40) (putc(bte[m]>>1)); //note spaces (40) are not printed
putc(((bte[13] & 0x7F)>>1)); //print source SSID
for (m=0;m<6;m++){ //print the destination callsign
if (bte[m] != 0x40) (putc(bte[m]>>1));
} //end of for
putc(((bte[6] & 0x7F)>>1)); //print the dest SSID
L = 7;
if ((bte[13] & 0x01) != 1){ //print any path that may exist
for (m=L;m<(L+6);m++){
if (bte[m] != 0x40) (putc(bte[m]>>1));
} //end of for
putc(((bte[(L+6)] & 0x7F)>>1));
}while ((bte[L+6] & 0x01) != 1);
} //end of if
putc(' ');
L=L+9; //add 9 to move past the last callsign, cntl and PID
while (L< numbyte-2){ //print the text (not including fcs bytes)
} //end of while
printf("\n"); //add carriage return/line feed at the end
} //end of printout() |
Rohit de Sa
Joined: 09 Nov 2007 Posts: 282 Location: India
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:23 am |
Ok, a few things:
-the reason why no one has yet looked at your code is because its very difficult to read. Use the BBCode option to put code into code brackets.
-indicate where exactly your problem occurs.
-if possible, give a complete compilable example program replicating the same problem. The example program should have only simple variable names like 'a' and 'b' (and not super_cool_variable!)
Rohit |
Rohit de Sa
Joined: 09 Nov 2007 Posts: 282 Location: India
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:29 am |
I had a look at your code. The following things are missing:
Code: | #include "18F4525.h"
#fuses //put appropriate fuses here
#use delay (clock=xxxx) ///put appropriate clock speed |
Additionally, almost all the variables are not initialized. Fix this by using 'int' '#define' etc.
Rohit |
Joined: 02 Jul 2010 Posts: 30 Location: italy
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:19 am |
this is the main:
Code: |
#define (__PCH__)
#if defined(__PCH__)
#include <18F4525.h>
#use delay(clock=14318000)
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <tastiera.c>
#include <HDM64GS12.c>
#include <modemTX.c>
#include <graphics.c>
#define FAST_GLCD
#use rs232(baud=1200, xmit=PIN_A0,rcv=PIN_A1)
Code: |
#define rcvPin PIN_A5
#define LED PIN_B7
int bte[768]; //Array dove viene memorizzato il pacchetto ricevuto
byte escirx; //Flag per uscire dal ciclo di ricezione
int test, newbit, numbyte, ones, inbyte;
// ************************ RX SUBROUTINES *****************
// --------------------------------------------------------------
short fcscheck(){ //computes the fcs
byte lblo,lbhi;
int k ,bt;
fcslo=fcshi=0xFF; //intialize FCS values
for (i=0;i<(numbyte-2);i++){ //calculate the FCS for all except the last two bytes
inbyte = bte[i];
for(k=0;k<8;k++){ //perform this procedure for each bit in the byte
bt = inbyte & 0x01;
lbhi=fcshi&0x01; // Memorizza il bit meno significativo di fcshi
lblo=fcslo&0x01; // Memorizza il bit meno significativo di fcslo
fcshi=fcshi>>1; // Sposta a destra di 1 bit tutti i bit di fcshi
fcslo=fcslo>>1; // Sposta a destra di 1 bit tutti i bit di fcslo
fcslo=(lbhi*128)+fcslo; // Oppure fcslo=(lbhi<<7)+fcslo; è equivalente e più veloce
if ((lblo^tbyte) == 0x01){
fcshi = fcshi^0x84;
fcslo = fcslo^0x08;
} // end of if
rotate_right(&inbyte,1); // get next bit
} //end of for
} // end of for
fcslo = fcslo^0xff;
fcshi = fcshi^0xff;
if ((bte[numbyte-1] == fcshi) && (bte[numbyte-2] == fcslo)) {
return 1;
else return 0; //if the computed values equal the last two data bytes
} //end of fscheck()
// --------------------------------------------------------------
int bitin(){ //function to read a bit
static int oldstate; //oldstate retained between runs of this function
int k;
for (k=0;k<121;k++){ //this loop allows 838 us to go by. If no state change, bit is 1
if (input(rcvPin) != oldstate){ //if state has changed
oldstate = input(rcvPin); //update oldstate
delay_us(430); // move to halfway thru the next bit
return 0; //return 0 if state changed
}//end of if
}//end of for
return 1; //return 1 if state did not change
}//end of bitin()
while (escirx == 0){ // il ciclo deve essere continuo
//Look for the 1st flag:
int cbyte = 0; //initialize
while (cbyte != 0x7e){ //find the first flag
shift_right(&cbyte,1,bitin()); //add a new bit to the left of cbyte, discard
right bit
} //end of while
output_high(LED); //turn on the DCD light
while (cbyte == 0x7e){ //find the other flags
for(i=0;i<8;i++){ //repeat this 8 times
shift_right(&cbyte,1,bitin()); //add a new bit to the left of cbyte, discard right bit
} //end of for
} //end of while -- now at end of all the flags
bte[0] = cbyte; //you've now got the first address byte
//Collect the rest of the data:
test =0;
numbyte = 1; //we already collected 1 byte
while (test != 1){ //do this until the flag at the end of the packet
for(i=0;i<8;i++){ //collect 8 bits
newbit = bitin(); //get a bit
if (newbit==1) (ones++); //increment the ones counter
else (ones = 0); //if bit is a zero, reset the ones counter
if(ones==5) { //removes bit stuffing
test = bitin(); //get the next bit but don't add it to cbyte
ones = 0; //reset the ones counter
shift_right(&cbyte,1,newbit); //append the new bit to cbyte
} //end of for
bte[numbyte] = cbyte; //add cbyte to the array
numbyte++; //increment the number of received bytes
} //end of while
//Checking the FCS and Formatting the Output
if (fcscheck()) (printout()); //if the fcs checks output the packet.
} //fine ciclo principale ricezione
void printout(){ //function to display the received packet
int i,L,m,temp;
for (m=7;m<13;m++){ //print the source callsign
if (bte[m] != 0x40) (putc(bte[m]>>1)); //note spaces (40) are not printed
putc(((bte[13] & 0x7F)>>1)); //print source SSID
for (m=0;m<6;m++){ //print the destination callsign
if (bte[m] != 0x40) (putc(bte[m]>>1));
} //end of for
putc(((bte[6] & 0x7F)>>1)); //print the dest SSID
L = 7;
if ((bte[13] & 0x01) != 1){ //print any path that may exist
for (m=L;m<(L+6);m++){
if (bte[m] != 0x40) (putc(bte[m]>>1));
} //end of for
putc(((bte[(L+6)] & 0x7F)>>1));
}while ((bte[L+6] & 0x01) != 1);
} //end of if
putc(' ');
L=L+9; //add 9 to move past the last callsign, cntl and PID
while (L< numbyte-2){ //print the text (not including fcs bytes)
} //end of while
printf("\n"); //add carriage return/line feed at the end
} //end of printout() |
Joined: 18 Mar 2004 Posts: 3680 Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:20 pm |
Ok, you have found the Code button when posting code.
But is this really how you write your code? Without indentation?
A more common notation is like: Code: | while(something)
for(i=0; bla; bla)
if (condition)
} | Now the level of indentation makes it clear to you where the blocks start/stop and which groups belong to each other.
I cannot compile your example code because there are at least four C-files missing. Same for the definition of variables like i, fcslo,fcshi and tbyte.
When posting code make it a short and complete program.
Rohit de Sa wrote: | -indicate where exactly your problem occurs. | You didn't do this. So how are we to know where your problem is?
One major error is that you have code that is not inside a function. This will never compile.
Code: | return 1; //return 1 if state did not change
}//end of bitin()
<<<<<<< Function start is missing here
while (escirx == 0){ // il ciclo deve essere continuo
//Look for the 1st flag:
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