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external interrupt problem

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Joined: 07 Sep 2003
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external interrupt problem
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2002 7:47 pm     Reply with quote

hi, all,
i am writing a program to wake up the processor which will normally in the sleep state. the processor will remain sleep until a change state occurs at the B0 pin.
i enable the int_ext in the main program, at the same time i disable the global interrupt so that the cpu will not be interrupted.
and then i will a loopcount to delay about 10s instead of using the timer in PCM. IE, the processor will sleep again 10s after it wakes up.
however it does not seem to work as there is an external interrupt to wake it up every time it goes to sleep. but i have made sure there is no external interrupt on pinB0. can anyone explain why?

// Since GIE disabled, the following ISR remain in case interrupt occurred

int_rb_isr() {}

void ext_isr() {}

enable_interrupts(INT_EXT); //PBUS is interrupt to wakeup
enable_interrupts(INT_RB); //B4-B7 change interrupt (H->L)
disable_interrupts(GLOBAL); //Don't use interrupt

.... //some switch case
if (sleep_count>100){
sleep_count=0; //Reset count before sleep

sleep(); #asm
NOP #endasm}
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10060

Re: external interrupt problem
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2002 2:35 am     Reply with quote

:=hi, all,
:=i am writing a program to wake up the processor which will normally in the sleep state. the processor will remain sleep until a change state occurs at the B0 pin.
:=i enable the int_ext in the main program, at the same time i disable the global interrupt so that the cpu will not be interrupted.
:=and then i will a loopcount to delay about 10s instead of using the timer in PCM. IE, the processor will sleep again 10s after it wakes up.
:=however it does not seem to work as there is an external interrupt to wake it up every time it goes to sleep. but i have made sure there is no external interrupt on pinB0. can anyone explain why?
:=// Since GIE disabled, the following ISR remain in case interrupt occurred
:=int_rb_isr() {}
:=void ext_isr() {}
:= ext_int_edge(l_to_h);
:= enable_interrupts(INT_EXT); //PBUS is interrupt to wakeup
:= enable_interrupts(INT_RB); //B4-B7 change interrupt (H->L)
:= disable_interrupts(GLOBAL); //Don't use interrupt
:= while(1){
:=.... //some switch case
:= sleep_count++;
:= if (sleep_count>100){
:= sleep_count=0; //Reset count before sleep
:= output_high(PIN_B4);
:= output_high(PIN_B6);
:= output_high(PIN_B7);
:= sleep(); #asm
:= NOP #endasm}

INTF and RBIF flags get set whenever RBIE and INTE are set, no matter if GIE is set. GIE only allows calling of ISRs. INTF should be cleared by s/w, otherwise it will cause reentering ISR, or if it is disabled - wake-up. The same is valid for RBIF.
I think that

while(1) {

would help. Good luck,
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10063

Re: external interrupt problem
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2002 11:50 am     Reply with quote

Additionally you must read in portB just before you clear RBIT to make sure you have latched the current state of pin_b4 - pin_b7:
char inp;

inp = input_b();
Note that the IT on-portB-change is not edge-triggered.
Plus it would be better to use ITs as enabled with a correct IT handler.
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10069

Joined: 07 Sep 2003
Posts: 17

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Re: external interrupt problem
PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 7:37 am     Reply with quote

thx. it works.
This message was ported from CCS's old forum
Original Post ID: 10115
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