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Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 263
pin_E2 on 18f4680 |
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:52 pm |
I'm using CCS PCH C Compiler, Version 4.093, on a pic18f4680.
When I set PIN_E2 low it only goes to about 4.5V. Setting it high goes to 5V. E0 is an analog input and E1 is a digital output that works ok. I don't see anything in the spec that says this pin is special. It acts the same on multiple boards so I don't think it is a HW problem.
Any thoughts? _________________ Ringo Davis |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:05 pm |
Is this problem related to your previous thread ?
If not, post a test program that toggles pin E2 in a while loop.
(Test it, and verify that it fails). Post a description of any
external circuits connected to pin E2. |
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 263
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:22 pm |
Nope, That was my mistake you refered to, I did not do that again. This pin can be AN7, but I'm only using 0-5.
Here is my test code, the pin toggles from 4.5 to 5v.
Code: | #include "18f4680.h"
#device adc=10
#fuses h4,nowdt,noprotect,put,nolvp
#use delay(clock=40000000)
#priority TIMER3,ext,rb,TIMER2 //left side
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CTS_PIN PIN_E2 //IO 12
#use rs232(baud=19200,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7,errors,bits=8,parity=N)
void main()
setup_adc( ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL );
printf("testing pin e2\r\n");
_________________ Ringo Davis |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:48 pm |
I don't have a 18F4680. I do have a 18F4580, which has the same pin
options (compared in the Device Overview section of the data sheets).
When I compile it for an 18F4580 with vs. 4.093, it works for me.
Pin E2 toggles between 0 and 5v every 1/2 second.
The code in the .LST files appears to be identical for the 18F4580 and
What external circuits are connected to pin E2 ? |
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 263
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:16 pm |
Just my Oscope probe _________________ Ringo Davis |
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 263
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:21 pm |
here is the lst file I get.
Code: |
CCS PCH C Compiler, Version 4.093, 44413 25-Oct-09 19:59
Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\Ringo\My Documents\thumb\fw\serializer\work\v3.0.0\E3_test.lst
ROM used: 208 bytes (0%)
Largest free fragment is 65328
RAM used: 13 (0%) at main() level
14 (0%) worst case
Stack: 1 locations
00000: GOTO 0058
.................... #include "18f4680.h"
.................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC18F4680 device ////////////////
.................... #device PIC18F4680
.................... #list
.................... #device adc=10
.................... #device HIGH_INTS=TRUE
.................... #fuses h4,nowdt,noprotect,put,nolvp
.................... #use delay(clock=40000000)
00030: CLRF FEA
00032: MOVLW 0D
00034: MOVWF FE9
00036: MOVF FEF,W
00038: BZ 0056
0003A: MOVLW 0C
0003C: MOVWF 01
0003E: CLRF 00
00040: DECFSZ 00,F
00042: BRA 0040
00044: DECFSZ 01,F
00046: BRA 003E
00048: MOVLW F7
0004A: MOVWF 00
0004C: DECFSZ 00,F
0004E: BRA 004C
00050: BRA 0052
00054: BRA 003A
00056: RETLW 00
.................... #priority TIMER3,ext,rb,TIMER2 //left side
.................... #include <stdlib.h>
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2007 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
.................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef _STDLIB
.................... #define _STDLIB
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Definitions and types
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... #ifndef RAND_MAX
.................... #define RAND_MAX 32767 // The value of which is the maximum value
.................... // ... returned by the rand function
.................... #endif
.................... #IF (sizeof(int16*)>1)
.................... #DEFINE LONG_POINTERS 1
.................... #ELSE
.................... #DEFINE LONG_POINTERS 0
.................... #ENDIF
.................... typedef struct {
.................... signed int quot;
.................... signed int rem;
.................... } div_t;
.................... typedef struct {
.................... signed long quot;
.................... signed long rem;
.................... } ldiv_t;
.................... #include <stddef.h>
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2003 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
.................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef _STDDEF
.................... #define _STDDEF
.................... #if sizeof(unsigned int8 *)==1
.................... #define ptrdiff_t unsigned int8
.................... #else
.................... #define ptrdiff_t unsigned int16
.................... #endif
.................... #define size_t unsigned int8
.................... #define wchar_t char
.................... #define NULL 0
.................... #define offsetof(s,f) (offsetofbit(s,f)/8)
.................... #endif
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // String conversion functions
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... /* Standard template: signed int atoi(char * s)
.................... * converts the initial portion of the string s to a signed int
.................... * returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise
.................... */
.................... signed int atoi(char *s);
.................... /* Syntax: signed int32 atoi32(char * s)
.................... converts the initial portion of the string s to a signed int32
.................... returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise*/
.................... #if (sizeof(long)==4)
.................... #define atoi32(s) atol(s)
.................... #else
.................... signed int32 atoi32(char *s);
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... // The following functions only work on the 24 bit compiler
.................... // for the 30F, 33F, 24F and 24H parts
.................... /* Syntax: signed int48 atoi48(char * s)
.................... converts the initial portion of the string s to a signed int48
.................... returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise*/
.................... signed int48 atoi48(char *s);
.................... /* Syntax: signed int64 atoi64(char * s)
.................... converts the initial portion of the string s to a signed int64
.................... returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise*/
.................... signed int64 atoi64(char *s);
.................... #endif
.................... /* Syntax: char * itoa(signed int32 num, int8 base, char * s)
.................... converts the signed int32 to a string and
.................... returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise*/
.................... char * itoa(signed int32 num, unsigned int base, char * s);
.................... /* Standard template: signed int16 atol(char * s)
.................... * converts the initial portion of the string s to a signed int16
.................... * returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise
.................... */
.................... signed long atol(char *s);
.................... /* Standard template: int16 strtoul(char * s,char *endptr,signed int base)
.................... * converts the initial portion of the string s, represented as an
.................... * integral value of radix base to a signed long.
.................... * Returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise
.................... * the final string is returned in the endptr, if endptr is not null
.................... */
.................... signed long strtol(char *s,char *endptr, signed int base);
.................... /* Standard template: int16 strtoul(char * s,char *endptr,signed int base)
.................... * converts the initial portion of the string s, represented as an
.................... * integral value of radix base to a unsigned long.
.................... * returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise
.................... * the final string is returned in the endptr, if endptr is not null
.................... */
.................... unsigned long strtoul(char *s,char *endptr, signed int base);
.................... /* Standart template: float strtof(char * s,char *endptr)
.................... float48 strtof48(char *s,char *endptr);
.................... float64 strtod(char *s,char *endptr);
.................... * converts the initial portion of the string s to a float32, float48 or float64,
.................... * returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise
.................... * the final string is returned in the endptr, if endptr is not null
.................... */
.................... float strtof(char *s,char *endptr);
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float48 strtof48(char *s,char *endptr);
.................... float64 strtod(char *s,char *endptr);
.................... #else
.................... //provided for compatibility
.................... #define strtof48(s, e) strtof(s, e)
.................... #define strtod(s, e) strtof(s, e)
.................... #endif
.................... /* Standard template: float32 atof(char * s)
.................... * converts the initial portion of the string s to a float.
.................... * returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise
.................... */
.................... #define atof(s) strtof(s, 0)
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... // The following functions only work on the 24 bit compiler
.................... // for the 30F, 33F, 24F and 24H parts
.................... /* Standard template: float48 atof48(char * s)
.................... * converts the initial portion of the string s to a float.
.................... * returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise
.................... */
.................... #define atof48(s) strtof48(s, 0)
.................... /* Standard template: float64 atof64(char * s)
.................... * converts the initial portion of the string s to a float.
.................... * returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise
.................... */
.................... #define atof64(s) strtod(s, 0)
.................... #endif
.................... /* Standard template: float32 atoe(char * s)
.................... * converts the initial portion of the string s to a float.
.................... * returns the converted value if any, 0 otherwise
.................... * also handles E format numbers
.................... */
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... float atoe(char * s);
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float32 atoe(char * s);
.................... #endif
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Pseudo-random sequence generation functions
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... /* The rand function computes a sequence of pseudo-random integers in
.................... * the range 0 to RAND_MAX
.................... *
.................... * Parameters:
.................... * (none)
.................... *
.................... * Returns:
.................... * The pseudo-random integer
.................... */
.................... unsigned int16 rand(void);
.................... /* The srand function uses the argument as a seed for a new sequence of
.................... * pseudo-random numbers to be returned by subsequent calls to rand.
.................... *
.................... * Parameters:
.................... * [in] seed: The seed value to start from. You might need to pass
.................... *
.................... * Returns:
.................... * (none)
.................... *
.................... * Remarks
.................... * The srand function sets the starting point for generating
.................... * a series of pseudorandom integers. To reinitialize the
.................... * generator, use 1 as the seed argument. Any other value for
.................... * seed sets the generator to a random starting point. rand
.................... * retrieves the pseudorandom numbers that are generated.
.................... * Calling rand before any call to srand generates the same
.................... * sequence as calling srand with seed passed as 1.
.................... * Usually, you need to pass a time here from outer source
.................... * so that the numbers will be different every time you run.
.................... */
.................... void srand(unsigned int32 seed);
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Memory management functions
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Comming soon
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Communication with the environment
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... /* The function returns 0 always
.................... */
.................... signed int8 system(char *string);
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Searching and sorting utilities
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... /* Performs a binary search of a sorted array..
.................... *
.................... * Parameters:
.................... * [in] key: Object to search for
.................... * [in] base: Pointer to base of search data
.................... * [in] num: Number of elements
.................... * [in] width: Width of elements
.................... * [in] compare: Function that compares two elements
.................... *
.................... * Returns:
.................... * bsearch returns a pointer to an occurrence of key in the array pointed
.................... * to by base. If key is not found, the function returns NULL. If the
.................... * array is not in order or contains duplicate records with identical keys,
.................... * the result is unpredictable.
.................... */
.................... //void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t num, size_t width,
.................... // int (*compare)(const void *, const void *));
.................... /* Performs the shell-metzner sort (not the quick sort algorithm). The contents
.................... * of the array are sorted into ascending order according to a comparison
.................... * function pointed to by compar.
.................... *
.................... * Parameters:
.................... * [in] base: Pointer to base of search data
.................... * [in] num: Number of elements
.................... * [in] width: Width of elements
.................... * [in] compare: Function that compares two elements
.................... *
.................... * Returns:
.................... * (none)
.................... */
.................... //void *qsort(const void *base, size_t num, size_t width,
.................... // int (*compare)(const void *, const void *));
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Integer arithmetic functions
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... #define labs abs
.................... div_t div(signed int numer, signed int denom);
.................... ldiv_t ldiv(signed long numer, signed long denom);
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Multibyte character functions
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Not supported
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Multibyte string functions
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Not supported
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... // Internal implementation
.................... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.................... #include <stddef.h>
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2003 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
.................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef _STDDEF
.................... #define _STDDEF
.................... #if sizeof(unsigned int8 *)==1
.................... #define ptrdiff_t unsigned int8
.................... #else
.................... #define ptrdiff_t unsigned int16
.................... #endif
.................... #define size_t unsigned int8
.................... #define wchar_t char
.................... #define NULL 0
.................... #define offsetof(s,f) (offsetofbit(s,f)/8)
.................... #endif
.................... #include <string.h>
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2008 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
.................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef _STRING
.................... #define _STRING
.................... #include <stddef.h>
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2003 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
.................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef _STDDEF
.................... #define _STDDEF
.................... #if sizeof(unsigned int8 *)==1
.................... #define ptrdiff_t unsigned int8
.................... #else
.................... #define ptrdiff_t unsigned int16
.................... #endif
.................... #define size_t unsigned int8
.................... #define wchar_t char
.................... #define NULL 0
.................... #define offsetof(s,f) (offsetofbit(s,f)/8)
.................... #endif
.................... #include <ctype.h>
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// (C) Copyright 1996,2003 Custom Computer Services ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C ////
.................... //// compiler. This source code may only be distributed to other ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler. No other use, reproduction ////
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission. ////
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code ////
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way. ////
.................... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #ifndef _CTYPE
.................... #define _CTYPE
.................... #define islower(x) isamong(x,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
.................... #define isupper(x) isamong(x,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
.................... #define isalnum(x) isamong(x,"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
.................... #define isalpha(x) isamong(x,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
.................... #define isdigit(x) isamong(x,"0123456789")
.................... #define isspace(x) ((x)==' ')
.................... #define isxdigit(x) isamong(x,"0123456789ABCDEFabcdef")
.................... #define iscntrl(x) ((x)<' ')
.................... #define isprint(x) ((x)>=' ')
.................... #define isgraph(x) ((x)>' ')
.................... #define ispunct(x) (((x)>' ')&&!isalnum(x))
.................... #endif
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... //// Uncomment the following define to ////
.................... //// allow some functions to use a ////
.................... //// quicker algorithm, but use more ROM ////
.................... //// ////
.................... //// #define FASTER_BUT_MORE_ROM ////
.................... //////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... /*Copying functions*/
.................... /* standard template:
.................... void *memmove(void *s1, void *s2, size_t n).
.................... Copies max of n characters safely (not following ending '\0')
.................... from s2 in s1; if s2 has less than n characters, appends 0 */
.................... char *memmove(void *s1,char *s2,size_t n)
.................... {
.................... char *sc1;
.................... char *sc2;
.................... sc1=s1;
.................... sc2=s2;
.................... if(sc2<sc1 && sc1 <sc2 +n)
.................... for(sc1+=n,sc2+=n;0<n;--n)
.................... *--sc1=*--sc2;
.................... else
.................... for(;0<n;--n)
.................... *sc1++=*sc2++;
.................... return s1;
.................... }
.................... /* Standard template: char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2)
.................... copies the string s2 including the null character to s1.
.................... This is a compiler built in to handle the different address
.................... spaces */
.................... #define strcopy strcpy
.................... /* standard template:
.................... char *strncpy(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n).
.................... Copies max of n characters (not following ending '\0')
.................... from s2 in s1; if s2 has less than n characters, appends 0 */
.................... char *strncpy(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
.................... {
.................... char *s;
.................... for (s = s1; n > 0 && *s2 != '\0'; n--)
.................... *s++ = *s2++;
.................... for (; n > 0; n--)
.................... *s++ = '\0';
.................... return(s1);
.................... }
.................... /***********************************************************/
.................... /*concatenation functions*/
.................... /* standard template: char *strcat(char *s1, const char *s2)
.................... appends s2 to s1*/
.................... char *strcat(char *s1, char *s2)
.................... {
.................... char *s;
.................... for (s = s1; *s != '\0'; ++s);
.................... while(*s2 != '\0')
.................... {
.................... *s = *s2;
.................... ++s;
.................... ++s2;
.................... }
.................... *s = '\0';
.................... return(s1);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template: char *strncat(char *s1, char *s2,size_t n)
.................... appends not more than n characters from s2 to s1*/
.................... char *strncat(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
.................... {
.................... char *s;
.................... for (s = s1; *s != '\0'; ++s);
.................... while(*s2 != '\0' && 0<n)
.................... {
.................... *s = *s2;
.................... ++s;
.................... ++s2;
.................... --n;
.................... }
.................... *s = '\0';
.................... return(s1);
.................... }
.................... /***********************************************************/
.................... /*comparison functions*/
.................... /* standard template: signed int memcmp(void *s1, void *s2).
.................... Compares s1 & s2; returns -1 if s1<s2, 0 if s1=s2, 1 if s1>s2 */
.................... signed int8 memcmp(void * s1,char *s2,size_t n)
.................... {
.................... char *su1, *su2;
.................... for(su1=s1, su2=s2; 0<n; ++su1, ++su2, --n)
.................... {
.................... if(*su1!=*su2)
.................... return ((*su1<*su2)?-1:+1);
.................... }
.................... return 0;
.................... }
.................... /* standard template: int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2).
.................... Compares s1 & s2; returns -1 if s1<s2, 0 if s1=s2, 1 if s1>s2 */
.................... signed int8 strcmp(char *s1, char *s2)
.................... {
.................... for (; *s1 == *s2; s1++, s2++)
.................... if (*s1 == '\0')
.................... return(0);
.................... return((*s1 < *s2) ? -1: 1);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template: int strcoll(const char *s1, const char *s2).
.................... Compares s1 & s2; returns -1 if s1<s2, 0 if s1=s2, 1 if s1>s2 */
.................... signed int8 strcoll(char *s1, char *s2)
.................... {
.................... for (; *s1 == *s2; s1++, s2++)
.................... if (*s1 == '\0')
.................... return(0);
.................... return((*s1 < *s2) ? -1: 1);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template:
.................... int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n).
.................... Compares max of n characters (not following 0) from s1 to s2;
.................... returns same as strcmp */
.................... signed int8 strncmp(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
.................... {
.................... for (; n > 0; s1++, s2++, n--)
.................... if (*s1 != *s2)
.................... return((*s1 <*s2) ? -1: 1);
.................... else if (*s1 == '\0')
.................... return(0);
.................... return(0);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template:
.................... int strxfrm(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n).
.................... transforms maximum of n characters from s2 and places them into s1*/
.................... size_t strxfrm(char *s1, char *s2, size_t n)
.................... {
.................... char *s;
.................... unsigned int8 n1;
.................... n1=n;
.................... for (s = s1; n > 0 && *s2 != '\0'; n--)
.................... *s++ = *s2++;
.................... for (; n > 0; n--)
.................... *s++ = '\0';
.................... return(n1);
.................... }
.................... /***********************************************************/
.................... /*Search functions*/
.................... /* standard template: void *memchr(const char *s, int c).
.................... Finds first occurrence of c in n characters of s */
.................... char *memchr(void *s,unsigned int8 c,size_t n)
.................... {
.................... char uc;
.................... char *su;
.................... uc=c;
.................... for(su=s;0<n;++su,--n)
.................... if(*su==uc)
.................... return su;
.................... return NULL;
.................... }
.................... /* standard template: char *strchr(const char *s, int c).
.................... Finds first occurrence of c in s */
.................... char *strchr(char *s, unsigned int8 c)
.................... {
.................... for (; *s != c; s++)
.................... if (*s == '\0')
.................... return(0);
.................... return(s);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template:
.................... size_t strcspn(const char *s1, const char *s2).
.................... Computes length of max initial segment of s1 that
.................... consists entirely of characters NOT from s2*/
.................... unsigned int8 strcspn(char *s1, char *s2)
.................... {
.................... char *sc1, *sc2;
.................... for (sc1 = s1; *sc1 != 0; sc1++)
.................... for (sc2 = s2; *sc2 != 0; sc2++)
.................... if (*sc1 == *sc2)
.................... return(sc1 - s1);
.................... return(sc1 - s1);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template:
.................... char *strpbrk(const char *s1, const char *s2).
.................... Locates first occurence of any character from s2 in s1;
.................... returns s1 if s2 is empty string */
.................... char *strpbrk(char *s1, char *s2)
.................... {
.................... char *sc1, *sc2;
.................... for (sc1 = s1; *sc1 != 0; sc1++)
.................... for (sc2 = s2; *sc2 != 0; sc2++)
.................... if (*sc1 == *sc2)
.................... return(sc1);
.................... return(0);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template: char *strrchr(const char *s, int c).
.................... Finds last occurrence of c in s */
.................... char *strrchr(char *s, unsigned int8 c)
.................... {
.................... char *p;
.................... for (p = 0; ; s++)
.................... {
.................... if (*s == c)
.................... p = s;
.................... if (*s == '\0')
.................... return(p);
.................... }
.................... }
.................... /* computes length of max initial segment of s1 consisting
.................... entirely of characters from s2 */
.................... unsigned int8 strspn(char *s1, char *s2)
.................... {
.................... char *sc1, *sc2;
.................... for (sc1 = s1; *sc1 != 0; sc1++)
.................... for (sc2 = s2; ; sc2++)
.................... if (*sc2 == '\0')
.................... return(sc1 - s1);
.................... else if (*sc1 == *sc2)
.................... break;
.................... return(sc1 - s1);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template:
.................... char *strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2);
.................... Locates first occurence of character sequence s2 in s1;
.................... returns 0 if s2 is empty string
.................... Uncomment #define FASTER_BUT_MORE_ROM at the top of the
.................... file to use the faster algorithm */
.................... char *strstr(char *s1, char *s2)
.................... {
.................... char *s, *t;
.................... #ifdef FASTER_BUT_MORE_ROM
.................... if (*s2 == '\0')
.................... return(s1);
.................... #endif
.................... while (*s1)
.................... {
.................... for(s = s1, t = s2; *t && (*s == *t); ++s, ++t);
.................... if (*t == '\0')
.................... return s1;
.................... ++s1;
.................... #ifdef FASTER_BUT_MORE_ROM
.................... while(*s1 != '\0' && *s1 != *s2)
.................... ++s1;
.................... #endif
.................... }
.................... return 0;
.................... }
.................... /* standard template: char *strtok(char *s1, const char *s2).
.................... Finds next token in s1 delimited by a character from separator
.................... string s2 (which can be different from call to call). First call
.................... starts at beginning of s1 searching for first character NOT
.................... contained in s2; returns 0 if none is found.
.................... If one is found, it is the start of first token (return value).
.................... Function then searches from there for a character contained in s2.
.................... If none is found, current token extends to end of s1, and subsequent
.................... searches for a token will return 0. If one is found, it is
.................... overwritten by '\0', which terminates current token. Function saves
.................... pointer to following character from which next search will start.
.................... Each subsequent call, with 0 as first argument, starts searching
.................... from saved pointer */
.................... char *strtok(char *s1, char *s2)
.................... {
.................... char *beg, *end;
.................... static char *save;
.................... beg = (s1)? s1: save;
.................... beg += strspn(beg, s2);
.................... if (*beg == '\0')
.................... {
.................... *save = ' ';
.................... return(0);
.................... }
.................... end = strpbrk(beg, s2);
.................... if (*end != '\0')
.................... {
.................... *end = '\0';
.................... end++;
.................... }
.................... save = end;
.................... return(beg);
.................... }
.................... /*****************************************************************/
.................... /*Miscellaneous functions*/
.................... /* standard template
.................... maps error number in errnum to an error message string
.................... Returns: Pointer to string
.................... */
.................... #ifdef _ERRNO
.................... char * strerror(unsigned int8 errnum)
.................... {
.................... char s[15];
.................... switch( errnum)
.................... {
.................... case 0:
.................... strcpy(s,"no errors");
.................... return s;
.................... case EDOM :
.................... strcpy(s,"domain error");
.................... return s;
.................... case ERANGE:
.................... strcpy(s,"range error");
.................... return s;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... #ENDIF
.................... /* standard template: size_t strlen(const char *s).
.................... Computes length of s1 (preceding terminating 0) */
.................... unsigned int8 strlen(char *s)
.................... {
.................... char *sc;
.................... for (sc = s; *sc != 0; sc++);
.................... return(sc - s);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template: size_t stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2).
.................... Compares s1 to s2 ignoring case (upper vs. lower) */
.................... signed int8 stricmp(char *s1, char *s2)
.................... {
.................... for(; *s1==*s2||(isalpha(*s1)&&isalpha(*s2)&&(*s1==*s2+32||*s2==*s1+32));
.................... s1++, s2++)
.................... if (*s1 == '\0')
.................... return(0);
.................... return((*s1 < *s2) ? -1: 1);
.................... }
.................... /* standard template: char *strlwr(char *s).
.................... Replaces uppercase letters by lowercase;
.................... returns pointer to new string s */
.................... char *strlwr(char *s)
.................... {
.................... char *p;
.................... for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++)
.................... if (*p >= 'A' && *p <='Z')
.................... *p += 'a' - 'A';
.................... return(s);
.................... }
.................... /************************************************************/
.................... #endif
.................... div_t div(signed int numer, signed int denom)
.................... {
.................... div_t val;
.................... val.quot = numer / denom;
.................... val.rem = numer - (denom * val.quot);
.................... return (val);
.................... }
.................... ldiv_t ldiv(signed long numer, signed long denom)
.................... {
.................... ldiv_t val;
.................... val.quot = numer / denom;
.................... val.rem = numer - (denom * val.quot);
.................... return (val);
.................... }
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... float32 atoe(char * s)
.................... {
.................... float32 pow10 = 1.0;
.................... float32 result = 0.0;
.................... unsigned int8 sign = 0;
.................... unsigned int8 expsign = 0;
.................... char c;
.................... unsigned int8 ptr = 0;
.................... unsigned int8 i;
.................... float32 exp = 1.0;
.................... unsigned int8 expcnt = 0;
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... if ((c>='0' && c<='9') || c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='.' || c=='E' || c=='e') {
.................... if(c == '-') {
.................... sign = 1;
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... if(c == '+')
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... while((c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
.................... result = 10*result + c - '0';
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... if (c == '.') {
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... while((c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
.................... pow10 = pow10*10;
.................... result += (c - '0')/pow10;
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... }
.................... // Handling the exponent
.................... if (c=='e' || c=='E') {
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... if(c == '-') {
.................... expsign = 1;
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... if(c == '+')
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... while((c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
.................... expcnt = 10*expcnt + c - '0';
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... for(i=0;i<expcnt;i++)
.................... exp*=10;
.................... if(expsign==1)
.................... result/=exp;
.................... else
.................... result*=exp;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... if (sign == 1)
.................... result = -1*result;
.................... return(result);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... #if !defined(__PCD__)
.................... float atoe(char * s)
.................... {
.................... float pow10 = 1.0;
.................... float result = 0.0;
.................... unsigned int8 sign = 0;
.................... unsigned int8 expsign = 0;
.................... char c;
.................... unsigned int8 ptr = 0;
.................... unsigned int8 i;
.................... float exp = 1.0;
.................... unsigned int8 expcnt = 0;
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... if ((c>='0' && c<='9') || c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='.' || c=='E' || c=='e') {
.................... if(c == '-') {
.................... sign = 1;
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... if(c == '+')
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... while((c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
.................... result = 10*result + c - '0';
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... if (c == '.') {
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... while((c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
.................... pow10 = pow10*10;
.................... result += (c - '0')/pow10;
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... }
.................... // Handling the exponent
.................... if (c=='e' || c=='E') {
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... if(c == '-') {
.................... expsign = 1;
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... if(c == '+')
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... while((c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
.................... expcnt = 10*expcnt + c - '0';
.................... c = s[ptr++];
.................... }
.................... for(i=0;i<expcnt;i++)
.................... exp*=10;
.................... if(expsign==1)
.................... result/=exp;
.................... else
.................... result*=exp;
.................... }
.................... }
.................... if (sign == 1)
.................... result = -1*result;
.................... return(result);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... signed int atoi(char *s)
.................... {
.................... signed int result;
.................... unsigned int sign, base, index;
.................... char c;
.................... index = 0;
.................... sign = 0;
.................... base = 10;
.................... result = 0;
.................... if (!s)
.................... return 0;
.................... // Omit all preceeding alpha characters
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... // increase index if either positive or negative sign is detected
.................... if (c == '-')
.................... {
.................... sign = 1; // Set the sign to negative
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... else if (c == '+')
.................... {
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
.................... {
.................... // Check for hexa number
.................... if (c == '0' && (s[index] == 'x' || s[index] == 'X'))
.................... {
.................... base = 16;
.................... index++;
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... // The number is a decimal number
.................... if (base == 10)
.................... {
.................... while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
.................... {
.................... result = 10*result + (c - '0');
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else if (base == 16) // The number is a hexa number
.................... {
.................... c = toupper(c);
.................... while ( (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c<='F'))
.................... {
.................... if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
.................... result = (result << 4) + (c - '0');
.................... else
.................... result = (result << 4) + (c - 'A' + 10);
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... c = toupper(c);
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... if (sign == 1 && base == 10)
.................... result = -result;
.................... return(result);
.................... }
.................... signed long atol(char *s)
.................... {
.................... signed long result;
.................... unsigned int sign, base, index;
.................... char c;
.................... index = 0;
.................... sign = 0;
.................... base = 10;
.................... result = 0;
.................... if (!s)
.................... return 0;
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... // increase index if either positive or negative sign is detected
.................... if (c == '-')
.................... {
.................... sign = 1; // Set the sign to negative
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... else if (c == '+')
.................... {
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
.................... {
.................... if (c == '0' && (s[index] == 'x' || s[index] == 'X'))
.................... {
.................... base = 16;
.................... index++;
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... // The number is a decimal number
.................... if (base == 10)
.................... {
.................... while (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
.................... {
.................... result = 10*result + (c - '0');
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else if (base == 16) // The number is a hexa number
.................... {
.................... c = toupper(c);
.................... while ( (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <='F'))
.................... {
.................... if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
.................... result = (result << 4) + (c - '0');
.................... else
.................... result = (result << 4) + (c - 'A' + 10);
.................... c = s[index++];c = toupper(c);
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... if (base == 10 && sign == 1)
.................... result = -result;
.................... return(result);
.................... }
.................... /* A fast routine to multiply by 10
.................... */
.................... signed int32 mult_with10(int32 num)
.................... {
.................... return ( (num << 1) + (num << 3) );
.................... }
.................... #if sizeof(long)==2
.................... signed int32 atoi32(char *s)
.................... {
.................... signed int32 result;
.................... int8 sign, base, index;
.................... char c;
.................... index = 0;
.................... sign = 0;
.................... base = 10;
.................... result = 0;
.................... if (!s)
.................... return 0;
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... // increase index if either positive or negative sign is detected
.................... if (c == '-')
.................... {
.................... sign = 1; // Set the sign to negative
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... else if (c == '+')
.................... {
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
.................... {
.................... if (c == '0' && (s[index] == 'x' || s[index] == 'X'))
.................... {
.................... base = 16;
.................... index++;
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... // The number is a decimal number
.................... if (base == 10)
.................... {
.................... while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
.................... result = (result << 1) + (result << 3); // result *= 10;
.................... result += (c - '0');
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... }
.................... else if (base == 16) // The number is a hexa number
.................... {
.................... c = toupper(c);
.................... while ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <='F'))
.................... {
.................... if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
.................... result = (result << 4) + (c - '0');
.................... else
.................... result = (result << 4) + (c - 'A' + 10);
.................... c = s[index++];c = toupper(c);
.................... }
.................... }
.................... }
.................... if (base == 10 && sign == 1)
.................... result = -result;
.................... return(result);
.................... }
.................... #endif
.................... #if defined(__PCD__)
.................... signed int48 atoi48(char *s)
.................... {
.................... signed int48 result;
.................... int8 sign, base, index;
.................... char c;
.................... index = 0;
.................... sign = 0;
.................... base = 10;
.................... result = 0;
.................... if (!s)
.................... return 0;
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... // increase index if either positive or negative sign is detected
.................... if (c == '-')
.................... {
.................... sign = 1; // Set the sign to negative
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... else if (c == '+')
.................... {
.................... c = s[index++];
.................... }
.................... if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
.................... {
.................... if (c == '0' && (s[index] == 'x' || s[index] == 'X'))
.................... {
_________________ Ringo Davis |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:00 pm |
Your list file was cut off because it's too long. Most of it consists of
stdlib.h which isn't even used in this test. Delete the line for stdlib.h
and re-compile, re-test, and re-post. (Or edit your long post).
Make sure you're looking at Pin E2 with your oscilloscope.
What package are you using for the 18F4680 ? |
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 263
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:58 am |
Code: | CCS PCH C Compiler, Version 4.093, 44413 26-Oct-09 09:40
Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\Ringo\My Documents\thumb\fw\serializer\work\v3.0.0\E3_test.lst
ROM used: 204 bytes (0%)
Largest free fragment is 65332
RAM used: 7 (0%) at main() level
8 (0%) worst case
Stack: 1 locations
00000: GOTO 0058
.................... #include "18f4680.h"
.................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC18F4680 device ////////////////
.................... #device PIC18F4680
.................... #list
.................... #device adc=10
.................... #device HIGH_INTS=TRUE
.................... #fuses h4,nowdt,noprotect,put,nolvp
.................... #use delay(clock=40000000)
00030: CLRF FEA
00032: MOVLW 07
00034: MOVWF FE9
00036: MOVF FEF,W
00038: BZ 0056
0003A: MOVLW 0C
0003C: MOVWF 01
0003E: CLRF 00
00040: DECFSZ 00,F
00042: BRA 0040
00044: DECFSZ 01,F
00046: BRA 003E
00048: MOVLW F7
0004A: MOVWF 00
0004C: DECFSZ 00,F
0004E: BRA 004C
00050: BRA 0052
00054: BRA 003A
00056: RETLW 00
.................... #use rs232(baud=19200,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7,errors,bits=8,parity=N)
00026: BTFSS F9E.4
00028: BRA 0026
0002C: GOTO 009E (RETURN)
.................... void main()
.................... {
00058: CLRF FF8
0005A: BSF FD0.7
0005E: CLRF FE9
00060: BSF FB8.3
00062: MOVLW 08
00064: MOVWF FAF
00066: MOVLW 02
00068: MOVWF FB0
0006A: MOVLW A6
0006E: MOVLW 90
00070: MOVWF FAB
00072: MOVF FC1,W
00074: ANDLW C0
00076: IORLW 0F
00078: MOVWF FC1
0007A: MOVLW 07
0007C: MOVWF FB4
0007E: CLRF 05
.................... setup_adc_ports(AN0_TO_AN5);
00080: MOVF FC1,W
00082: ANDLW C0
00084: IORLW 09
00086: MOVWF FC1
.................... setup_adc( ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL );
00088: MOVF FC0,W
0008A: ANDLW C0
0008C: IORLW 07
0008E: MOVWF FC0
00090: BSF FC0.7
00092: BSF FC2.0
.................... printf("testing pin e2\r\n");
00094: CLRF 06
00096: MOVF 06,W
00098: RCALL 0004
0009A: INCF 06,F
0009C: BRA 0026
0009E: MOVLW 10
000A0: SUBWF 06,W
000A2: BNZ 0096
.................... while(1)
.................... {
.................... output_low(PIN_E2);
000A4: BCF F96.2
000A6: BCF F8D.2
.................... delay_ms(500);
000A8: MOVLW 02
000AA: MOVWF 06
000AE: MOVWF 07
000B0: RCALL 0030
000B2: DECFSZ 06,F
000B4: BRA 00AC
.................... output_high(PIN_E2);
000B6: BCF F96.2
000B8: BSF F8D.2
.................... delay_ms(500);
000BA: MOVLW 02
000BC: MOVWF 06
000C0: MOVWF 07
000C2: RCALL 0030
000C4: DECFSZ 06,F
000C6: BRA 00BE
.................... }
000C8: BRA 00A4
.................... }
Configuration Fuses:
Word 1: 0600 H4 NOIESO NOFCMEN
I'm using the 44 pin tqfp package.
I'm checking the correct pin, another person with the same board is also having the same problem and he is using an led on the pin. _________________ Ringo Davis |
Ttelmah Guest
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:37 am |
The compiler appears to be generating 'sensible' code for this pin. The setup_adc_ports function, leaves ADCON1, with '9' in the bottom 4 bits, which definately configures this pin for digital.
Obviously doesn't matter here (since you are not using the ADC), but why, oh why, do people keep on insisting on selecting 'ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL'....
The actual setting code, is operating the right bits.
I'd really say 'unsolder the pin', bend it up away from the board, and check again. There is nothing in the chip itself that can make a pin only drop to 4.5v. If it is configured as analog, it won't drop at all, and similarly if set to another peripheral, the normal I/O operation won't happen. Your behaviour, has all the signs of the leg actually connecting somewhere you don't expect.
Best Wishes |
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 263
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:12 am |
I probably use 'ADC_CLOCK_INTERNAL because it is in the sample code in the manual (Page 22). Is there an issue in using it? If so what should I use instead?
I don't think there is an issue with the pin being connected to something because if I set it as a digital input it seems to work fine. I'll lift a pin tonight though and see if it does anything. I've reviewed the layout and I don't see the trace going anywhere but to the .1 header where it is supposed to go.
Ringo _________________ Ringo Davis |
Ttelmah Guest
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:27 am |
On the ADC clock, read the data sheet...
Basically, the RC clock is asynchronous to the master clock. For higher device clock rates, this results in an increase in noise on the readings, as this 'beats' with the master clock, _unless_ you stop the master clock to perform the reading (use sleep). So on 99% of the PICs there is a note saying that the internal RC clock, is _not_ recommended for use with master clock rates above 1MHz, unless you use sleep to perform the reading.
Best Wishes |
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