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JohnP Guest
Function prototype issue? |
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:45 am |
I am trying to compile a program made up of snippets of working code from previous projects...
void SerialReceive(void); // apprears earlier in code.
void main()
// bunch of configuration
// etc/
// Main Loop
while (1)
//When a packet is received on the tool bus, NewPacket is set.
//Process received packet and reply.
disable_interrupts(INT_RDA); //disable serial port interrupts
NewPacket = FALSE; //clear flag
SerialReceive(); //get received packet
enable_interrupts(INT_RDA); //enable serial port interrupts
if (Tick)
Tick = 0;
output_toggle(PIN_D7); //Show that Timer0 is generating a 1/2 sec timer
fputs( " | HI ! | ",HOST_PC );
output_toggle(PIN_D0); //Toggle the D0 D1 pin pattern
output_toggle(PIN_D1); //
rs232_errors = 0; // clear errors just to clear warning...
}//end of MAIN LOOP
void SerialReceive(void) // compiler does not like this line and
// focuses on the "void" ...
Checksum = 0;
delay_us(50); //short dead time to allow bus master to get ready to receive
if(SerialError) //received an error in packet
CREN = 0; //turn off receiver
putc(Buff[0]); //echo board address
while(!TRMT); //wait for transmit buffer to finish
when I try to compile this I get the DREADED non-specific, utterly confusing; " A numeric expression must appear here..." pointing to the first line of code
This funtion comiles noprmally in other code...and I have looked for obvious missing braces etc. Actually no funtions will compile after my brief main section...So something is hosed in there...but I can't find it.
Any help appreciated...from reading other posts, I see you can get this message from a host of arcane sources...Hoo Boy, what fun!
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 206
Re: Funtion prototype issue? |
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:51 am |
JohnP wrote: | I am trying to compile a program mad eup of snippets of working code from previous projects...
when I try to compile this I get the DREADED non-specific, utterly confusing; " A numeric expression must appear here..." pointing to the first line of code
This funtion comiles noprmally in other code...and I have looked for obvious missing braces etc. Actually no funtions will compile after my brief main section...So something is hosed in there...but I can't find it.
Any help appreciated...from reading other posts, I see you can get this message from a host of arcane sources...Hoo Boy, what fun!
Paste complete code. You probably overlooked something and use CODE for pasting a source it is easier to "debug"  |
JohnP Guest
Reply |
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:56 am |
Here is the code...implements a ninth bit serial RX funtion...
Works great in other uses...I am clearly missing something simple?
Code: |
#define RecvTimeout 20000 // increased for debug 6/7/06
// define legal addresses
#define PMTAddress1 70
#define PMTAddress2 80
#define PMTAddress3 90
// Need to find where these come from?????
#byte RCSTA2 = 0xF6B //Receive status control register
#bit SPEN = 0xF6B.7 //Serial Port Enable
#bit RX9 = 0xF6B.6 //9-bit receive enable
#bit CREN = 0xF6B.4 //Receive Enable
#bit ADDEN = 0xF6B.3 //Address detect enable
#bit FERR = 0xF6B.2 //framing error
#bit OERR = 0xF6B.1 //overrun error
#bit RX9D = 0xF6B.0 //9th bit of received data
#byte TXSTA2 = 0xF6C //Transmit status and control register
#bit TX9 = 0xF6C.6 //9-bit transmit enable
#bit TXEN = 0xF6C.5 //Transmit enable
#bit TRMT = 0xF6C.1 //Transmit buffer is empty
#bit TX9D = 0xF6C.0 //9th bit of transmit data
#byte RCREG2 = 0xF6E //receive register
#byte PIR1 = 3998
#bit RCIF= 3998.5 //usart receive interrupt flag
int1 NewPacket;
int1 PMT_changed;
int16 Tout;
int8 RecvPacketSize;
int8 PacketSize;
int16 TotPacketSize;
int8 H;
int8 L;
int8 Checksum;
int8 RecvPointer;
int8 Adr;
int8 SerialError;
int8 Status, TempCount;
int1 Tick, toggle;
int16 temperature, temptemp;
unsigned int16 dac_value, pmt_set_value, buf_value, temp_value;
unsigned int16 default_PMT = 44239; // initialize to 1350 volts
int8 PowerOnTimer;
//ready to be xmited
int8 Rcmd; //received command
int8 Buff[30]; //serial communications buffer
int8 CB;
int8 CL;
int8 CH;
int8 ReceivedAddress; //value read from serial port with 9th bit set
int *pntr;
int16 CVsetpoint;
int16 Timer0_Clk;
//int8 B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8; // temporary variables
void ReadTemp(void);
void SerialReceive(void);
void SendStatus(void);
void SetSerialNumber(void);
void SendReport(void);
void ChangePMT(void);
void IncrementPMT(void);
void DecrementPMT(void);
void WriteCalDate(void);
void WritePMTVoltage(void);
void Write_new_SN(void);
void WriteMfgDate(void);
void WriteFirmwareVersion(void);
void WriteHardwareVersion(void);
void SetMfgDate(void);
void SetFirmwareRev(void);
void SetHardwareRev(void);
void SendPMTVoltage(void);
* RTCC - Timer 0 Interrupt *
set_timer0(15536); // reload for 10 msec tick, based on value from above number
// = 655356 - (.01/(8 /40,000,000))
// this gives a 94.67 hz pulse so a lot closer than the previous value
Timer0_Clk++; // 10 msec clock event counter
if (Timer0_Clk > 50)
Tick = 1; //500 msec clock tick
}// end of Timer0 ISR
void RDA_isr(void)
// handler for input commands from the Host PC would go here...
// STB Serial ISR
// Receive Interrupt - when address bit is set
// in 1st xmission matches the BoardAddress
void RDA2_isr(void)
int CS;
NewPacket = 0;
SerialError = 0;
ReceivedAddress = RCREG2; //get byte from receive buffer
if ( (ReceivedAddress == PMTAddress1) || (ReceivedAddress == PMTAddress2) || (ReceivedAddress == PMTAddress3) )
//output_high(PIN_B6); // for debug!!!! Set while wating for next byte
NewPacket = 1; //set flag for new packet is coming
ADDEN = 0; //allow receiver to get the rest of the packet
Buff[0] = ReceivedAddress; //shove address into 1st slot...
//Receive packet size High Byte
Tout = RecvTimeout;
while(RCIF == 0) //wait for next byte in receiver
//output_high(PIN_B6); // for debug!!!!Set while wating for next byte
if(Tout == 0)
SerialError = 130; //Timeout error
goto ErrorTest;
//output_low(PIN_B6); // for debug!!!! 2nd byte arrived
Buff[1] = RCREG2; //get size byte from serial port
// Receive packet size Low byte
Tout = RecvTimeout;
while(RCIF == 0) //wait for next byte in receiver
//output_high(PIN_B6); // for debug!!!!Set while wating for next byte
if(Tout == 0)
SerialError = 130; //Timeout error
goto ErrorTest;
//output_low(PIN_B6); // for debug!!!!last size byte arrived
Buff[2] = RCREG2; //get byte from serial port
RecvPacketSize = Buff[2]; //add size and checksum to packet size
// --- receive packet
RecvPointer = 3; //position pointer at first byte
// receive rest of packet past the packet size bytes.....
while(RecvPointer < (RecvPacketSize+1))
Tout = RecvTimeout;
while(RCIF == 0)
// output_high(PIN_B6); // for debug!!!!Set while wating for next byte
if(Tout == 0)
SerialError = 130; //Timeout error = 0x82
goto ErrorTest;
// output_low(PIN_B6); // for debug!!!! next byte here
Buff[RecvPointer] = RCREG2; //save packet data in buffer array
}// end of while RCVpointer <= RecvPacetsize
CS = 0;
RecvPointer = 1;
while(RecvPointer < Buff[2])
CS = CS + Buff[RecvPointer];
CS = ~(CS) + 1; //CheckSum is now 2's complement
RecvPacketSize = Buff[2];
if (CS != Buff[RecvPacketSize])
SerialError = 129; //checksum error = 0x81
}// End of IF Rc'd addr = Board Address
ADDEN = 1; //enable interrupt when address bit is set
}// end of RDA2 ISR
void main()
setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL | RTCC_DIV_2);
setup_timer_2(T2_DISABLED, 0,1);
setup_timer_4(T4_DISABLED, 0,1);
TX9D = 0; //9th bit of transmitted data is always low
TX9 = 1; //Enable 9-bit transmits
RX9 = 1; //Enable 9-bit receives
set_tris_a(0xFF); // all inputs
set_tris_b(0xFF); // all inputs
set_tris_c(0x80); //Set up for UART1 = HOST_PC on C7(Rx)Input and C6 (TX) and all others are outputs
set_tris_d(0); //All outputs to drive diodes and diagnostics
set_tris_e(0xFF); // all inputs
set_tris_f(0xFF); // all inputs
set_tris_g(0xFF); // all inputs
set_tris_h(0x80); //Set up for UART2 = STB on H7 (Rx)Input and H6 (TX) and all others are outputs
set_tris_j(0xFF); // all inputs
// setup_uart(115200, HOST_PC);
// setup_uart(115200, STB);
//Setup_Oscillator parameter not selected from Intr Oscillator Config tab
// Crive pin D0 high to turn on diode D1
output_high(PIN_D0); //Turn on D1 to signify we made it this far!!!
Timer0_Clk = 0;
Checksum = 0;
// Main Loop
while (1)
//When a packet is received on the tool bus, NewPacket is set.
//Process received packet and reply.
disable_interrupts(INT_RDA); //disable serial port interrupts
NewPacket = FALSE; //clear flag
SerialReceive(); //get received packet
enable_interrupts(INT_RDA); //enable serial port interrupts
if (Tick)
Tick = 0;
output_toggle(PIN_D7); //Show that Timer0 is generating a 1/2 sec timer
fputs( " | HI ! | ",HOST_PC );
output_toggle(PIN_D0); //Toggle the D0 D1 pin pattern
output_toggle(PIN_D1); //
rs232_errors = 0; // clear errors just to clear warning...
}//end of MAIN LOOP
void SerialReceive(void)
Checksum = 0;
delay_us(50); //short dead time to allow bus master to get ready to receive
if(SerialError) //received an error in packet
CREN = 0; //turn off receiver
putc(Buff[0]); //echo board address
while(!TRMT); //wait for transmit buffer to finish
putc(0); // high byte of num. of bytes
while(!TRMT); //wait for transmit buffer to finish
putc(4); //1 byte command
while(!TRMT); //wait for transmit buffer to finish
putc(SerialError); //error code
while(!TRMT); //wait for transmit buffer to finish
Checksum = ~(4 + SerialError) + 1; // CS now 2's complement
putc(Checksum); //checksum
goto SerialEnd;
switch (Buff[3]) //sort the received command...USES 4th BYTE FOR CHLS FORMAT
case 's':
case 'm':
//SetMfgDate(); // write mfg date to eeprom
case 'n':
case 'f':
//SetFirmwareRev(); // write firmware date to eeprom
case 'H':
//SetHardwareRev(); //write hardware version to eeprom
case 50:
Buff[2] = 50; //error command
case 'r':
case 'i':
case 'l':
case 'c':
case 'P':
case 'V':
Buff[1] = 0; //(1 byte reply) received command is
//not supported
Buff[2] = 4; // low byte of # bytes in block
Buff[3] = 131; //bad command received
// Command selection/action done
// Send response
PacketSize = Buff[2];
Checksum = 0;
for(RecvPointer = 1; RecvPointer < PacketSize; RecvPointer++)
Checksum = Checksum + Buff[RecvPointer];
Buff[Buff[2]] = ~(Checksum) + 1;
CREN = 0; //turn off receiver
for(RecvPointer = 0; RecvPointer <= PacketSize; RecvPointer++)
while(!TRMT); //wait for transmit buffer to finish
delay_us(50); //short dead time to allow bus master to get ready to receive
CREN = 1; //turn on receiver
} //end of SerialReceive
}// Program end
JohnP Guest
Prototype problem wa BRAIN problem |
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:16 pm |
Found it...
I had the added functions stuck in before the final ending curly brace of main...stupid error...wonderfully non-specific compiler error...
Sorry to bother the Illuminati with this triffle...
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