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MIDI Controller Message fires INT_RDA only 1 time

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MIDI Controller Message fires INT_RDA only 1 time
PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:18 am     Reply with quote

I'm using a PIC18F4620 for a MIDI-sequenzer project.
I have a very strange problem:
The INT_RDA is fired only the first time when a stream of MIDI controller messages were received (when i turn a potentiometer on my keyboard, it sends continuous packages with the 3 Bytes statebyte+controllernumberbyte+controllerdatabyte). After that, RDA_INT will not be fired again until another message than a controller message (for example midi on: statebyte+note+velocity) is received.


#include "18f4620.h"
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=31250, xmit= pin_C6, rcv= pin_C7, ERRORS)
#define LED      PIN_A1

#INT_RDA         // UART DATA Received
   int rcv0;
   output_bit(LED,!input(LED));   //invert LED
      rcv0=getc();            // Byte
} // end start_stop_isr


   }// end main loop
}// end main
PCM programmer

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:49 pm     Reply with quote

If it's not working it's possibly because:

1. The signals may be current loop compatible and not compatible with
the voltage levels required by a PIC UART input pin. They may
require an external circuit to convert them to the proper levels.

2. The input signal levels may be inverted from what you expect to see,
and may require an external circuit to invert them.

3. The input signals may not conform exactly to asynchronous serial
timing standards (start bit, number of stop bits, parity, etc).

4. The baud rate of the signals coming from the keyboard may not
really be 31250.

You need to look at the signals with an oscilloscope.
Or find the documentation for the keyboard's midi output interface
(and post a link to it).

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:02 pm     Reply with quote

Also try changing the line:
   output_bit(LED,!input(LED));   //invert LED
   output_toggle(LED);   //invert LED

Problem with the original code is that it temporarily changes the output to an input. Reading the voltage at your LED is a more or less random operation, depending on board capacitance, etc. The new code will use the value of the output latch instead.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:37 am     Reply with quote

Thank you for your answer!

I think the failure is somewhere else.

1. I use the standard circuit with optocoupler (schematic:

2./3. I only have the failure when the pic receives continous controller messages (3 bytes: 0xB1, controller number 0-127, controller value 0-127) or when it receives contiuous pitchbend messages (3 bytes: 0xB1, 2nd byte=0, 3rd byte=pitchbendvalue 0-127)

When i receive only note on or note off messages (3 bytes: 0xE1, note nr 0-127, velocity value 0-127) i have no problems, the sequenzer works fine.

For example the scenario n=note message, c=controller message, p=pitchbend message:

the Keyboard sends:
nnnccccccnccccc [waiting 5s] ccccccnnnppppppnccccccppppp

the pic fires the int_rda (i=int_rda) and receives the message:
in in in ic in ic in in in ip in ic ip

the pic waits till an other type of message?!

4. when i connect the keyboard over a midi interface to my computer an use a midi-monitor tool it works fine, it shows every message.

5. I have the same when i use output_toggle(LED) instead of output_bit(LED,!input(LED))

Here is the manual of the keyboard (on page 14).

I've tried it also with a PIC18F458.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:40 am     Reply with quote

It doesn't look like all of your code is represented above, but I wonder if there is a problem relating to your definition of "int rcv0" having scope only in the interrupt routine itself. Maybe it should be defined as a global or static variable. Without the rest of the code, it is hard to tell.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:14 pm     Reply with quote

I use the code above only to check when the int_rda is fired. Anyway, the int_rda must be fired each time a byte was received.

Here is the full sequenzer code:


#include "18f4620.h"
//#include "18F458.h"

//#device *=16
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=31250, xmit= pin_C6, rcv= pin_C7, ERRORS)
#include "em6125.c"

// DEFINITIONEN #######################################################################
#define DATE "27.12.08"
#define VERSION "0.00"
#define DEBUG             // change to RELEASE

#define ENDLESS 1
#define BPMFACT 36621      // 60/(Tclk*8*256*4)
#define TAPFACT 904         // BPMFACT/4

#define TXDELAY 25         // Transmit Delay [ms]

#define BTNDELAY   20      // Entprellzeit Taster
#define INCDELAY   170      // Inkremental Delay
#define TAPDELAY   235      // Entprellzeit Tap-Taster
                     // 60/BPMmax = 60/256
// Display Konstanten

#define VALUE_X 72
#define STARTUP_VALUE_X 45
#define RADIX_RUN 3
#define RADIX_MENU 2

#ifndef EEPROM_SDA
#define EEPROM_SDA  PIN_B4
#define EEPROM_SCL  PIN_B5

#define EEPROM_ADDRESS long int
#define EEPROM_SIZE   32768

#define START_STOP    PIN_B0   // start/stop button
#define TAP         PIN_B1
#define BPM_DOWN   PIN_D4
#define BPM_UP      PIN_D5
#define STEP_DOWN   PIN_D6
#define STEP_UP      PIN_D7

// #define MENU      PIN_B2      //compiler erzeigt fehler wenn sie nicht kommentar sind?!*/

#define COPY_BTN      PIN_B3
#define GLIDE_BTN      PIN_C2

// #define SET_DOWN   PIN_D0
// #define SET_UP      PIN_D1

#define PATTERN_UP   PIN_D3

// LED
#define LED      PIN_A1

#use i2c(master,sda=EEPROM_SDA, scl=EEPROM_SCL)

// ENUM / TYPE / STRUCT #######################################################################33
   // STARTUP,


// struct
       int y_pos;
       int x_pos;
       char name[9];
         bpm_str={0, 0,"BPM:"},
         set_str = {VERTICAL_SPACE,0,"SET:"},
         pattern_str = {2*VERTICAL_SPACE,0,"PATTERN:"},
         step_str = {3*VERTICAL_SPACE,0,"STEP:"},
         midi_rx_str = {0,0,"MIDI RX:",}, 
         midi_tx_str = {VERTICAL_SPACE,0,"MIDI TX:"},
         curset_str = {4*VERTICAL_SPACE,0,"CURSET:"};

struct step_struct{      // Struktur für einen Step
   int note;
   int velocity;
   int pitchbend;
   int ctrnr;
   int ctrdata;
   short glide;

// Globale Variablen ####################################################################
long time, tapcount;            
int clkcount;
char temp_value_string[4];
int mode;
int bpm = 80;         // 1-255                                         
int pattern = 0;
int step = 0;      // 0-15
int midichrx = 1;   // 0-15
int midichtx = 1;   // 0-15
short read_flag = 0;

int rcv1, cnt = 0;   // Empfangsbuffer

int set = 0;

short seqrun = 0;
short tapstate = 0;
short curset = 0;      // Current Set - Zum laden aus dem EEProm kann die eine überschrieben werden während die andere läuft
struct step_struct steps[2][16];   //curset 0 liegt im Speicher vor curset 1

char ready[10]= "Ready... ";
char write[10]= "Writing  ";
char copy[10] = "Copying  ";
char read[10]=  "Reading  ";

// DISPLAY FUNKTIONEN ####################################################################

Convert an Integer to String
char* IntToStr(int value, int radix){
     int i;
     int z = 0;
      static char temp_string[20];
      temp_string[radix-1-i]= (int) (value%10+'0');
      value = (int) (value/10);   
     }// end for
      if(temp_string[i] =='0' && z==0){   // führende nullen löschen
         temp_string[i] = ' ';
      } else{     
      } // end for
      return temp_string;
} // end getStrFromValue

clear whole display
void display_clear(void){
int i;
char temp_string[14]="             ";
}   // end display_clear

update values in display
void display_update_value(VALUE_UPDATE vu){
   switch (vu){
     case BPM_V:
     case SET_V:
     case PATTERN_V:
     case STEP_V:
     case CURSET_V:
     case ALL_RUN_V:
          }// end switch (vu)
     case MIDI_RX_V:
     case MIDI_TX_V:
     case ALL_MENU_V:
          }// end switch(vu)                   
} // end switch (menu)     
} // display_update_value

Change in other display mode
void display_set_mode(DISPLAY_MODE disp_mode){     
  /*   case STARTUP:     
       mode = disp_mode;
         #ifdef DEBUG
     case RUN:
        mode = disp_mode;
     case MENU:
        mode = disp_mode;
/*     case TERMINAL:
          #ifdef DEBUG
        mode = disp_mode;
         // display_terminal_window();
     }// end switch
}// end display_set_mode

// EEPROM FUNKTIONEN ####################################################################
void init_ext_eeprom()


void write_ext_eeprom(long int address, byte data)
   short int status;

byte read_ext_eeprom(long int address) {
   byte data;

               // maximale Adresse: 7FFF respektive 32767

void savePattern(int pattern, int1 curpat){
   int8 i;

void getPattern(int pattern, int1 curpat){
   int8 i;

// INTERRUPT FUNKTIONEN ####################################################################
#INT_RDA         // UART DATA Received
   int rcv0, step0;
   //output_bit(LED,!input(LED));   //invert LED
   //static int rcv1, cnt = 0;   // 1 = note on/off, 2 = note second byte, 3 = note third byte
                        // 4 = pitchbend, 5 = pitch second byte, 6 = pitch third byte
                         // 7 = controller, 8 = cntr second byte, 9 = cntr third byte
      rcv0=getc();            // Byte 1 MIDI-Statusbyte
   if(rcv0==0x90+midichrx){   // note on/off
   }else if(rcv0==0xE0+midichrx){   // pitchbend
   }else if(rcv0==0xB0+midichrx){   // controller
         case 1:   rcv1=rcv0;      // note second byte
         case 2:   if(rcv0!=0){    // note third byte nur speichern wenn nicht note off
         case 4: cnt=5;         // Pitchbend - second byte immer 0
         case 5:   steps[curset][step0].pitchbend=rcv0;   // Pitchbend third byte
         case 8:   steps[curset][step0].ctrnr=rcv0;      // Controller second byte
         case 9: steps[curset][step0].ctrdata=rcv0;      // controller third byte
         default:   break;
      } // end switch
   } //end else
} // end start_stop_isr

#INT_EXT         //INT0 on B0 start/stop
} // end start_stop_isr

#INT_EXT1         //INT0 on B0 start/stop
      setup_timer_1(T1_INTERNAL | T1_DIV_BY_8);       //=> T= 1.6 us   
      if(tapcount>576){      //max BPM=255
         BPM= (int)(TAPFACT/tapcount);
         display_update_value(BPM_V);   // Display BPM aktualisieren
} // end tap_isr

#INT_TIMER1                     // has to be in front of isr
tap_isr() {                      // TAP Timer
   set_timer1(65536-255);       // reload timer overflow after 409.6us
   if(++tapcount==7320){      //min BPM=20

#INT_TIMER3                     // has to be in front of isr
bpm_isr() {                      // isr bpm   (mit doppelter bpm geschwindigkeit)
   static short flag=1;
   set_timer3(time);       // reload timer for 1ms
      clkcount = 255;
         output_bit(LED,!input(LED));   //invert LED on every 2nd clk;
            step = 0;
            putc(0x90 + midichtx);   //  Byte 1, Note Off
               putc(steps[curset][15].note);                 //  Byte 2, Note
             putc(0);                 //  Byte 3, 0 für NoteOFF
            putc(0x90 + midichtx);         //  Byte 1, Note Off
               putc(steps[curset][step-1].note);       //  Byte 2, Note
             putc(0);                    //  Byte 3, 0 für NoteOFF   
         putc(0x90 + midichtx);         //  Byte 1, Note On
            putc(steps[curset][step].note);         //  Byte 2, Note
            putc(steps[curset][step].velocity);        //  Byte 3, Anschlagsdynamik
         if(steps[curset][step].pitchbend<128){   // nur ausgeben wenn daten vorhanden
            putc(0xE0 + midichtx);         //  Byte 1, Note On
            putc(0);         //  Byte 2, Wert
               putc(steps[curset][step].pitchbend);         //  Byte 3, Wert
         if(steps[curset][step].ctrnr<128){   // nur ausgeben wenn daten vorhanden
            putc(0xB0 + midichtx);         //  Byte 1, Note On
               putc(steps[curset][step].ctrnr);         //  Byte 2, Ctr.Nr.
            putc(steps[curset][step].ctrdata);         //  Byte 3, Ctr.Data
         display_update_value(STEP_V);   // Display STEP aktualisieren
         putc(0x90 + midichtx);   //  Byte 1, Note Off
            putc(steps[curset][step-1].note);                 //  Byte 2, Note
          putc(0);                 //  Byte 3, 0 für NoteOFF   

// DIVERSE FUNKTIONEN ####################################################################
// Directions
void port_init(void){      // set IN, BI, and OPEN PORTS as INPUT, OUT as OUTPUT

void init_interrupts(void){
   time = 65536 - (long)(BPMFACT/bpm);
   setup_timer_3(T3_INTERNAL | T3_DIV_BY_8);       //=> T= 1.6 us
   ext_int_edge(0,L_TO_H);      // START/STOP interrupt
   ext_int_edge(1,L_TO_H);      // TAP interrupt
   enable_interrupts(INT_TIMER3);   // enable Timer3 interrupt
   enable_interrupts(INT_TIMER1);   // enable Timer3 interrupt
   enable_interrupts(INT_RDA);   // enable UART Receive interrupt
   enable_interrupts(GLOBAL);      // allows previously enabled interrupt

void actbpm(){
   time = 65536 - (long)(BPMFACT/bpm);

void copyPattern(int1 curpat){
   int8 i;
      steps[~curpat][i].note      = steps[curpat][i].note;
      steps[~curpat][i].velocity   = steps[curpat][i].velocity;
      steps[~curpat][i].pitchbend   = steps[curpat][i].pitchbend;
      steps[~curpat][i].ctrnr      = steps[curpat][i].ctrnr;
      steps[~curpat][i].ctrdata   = steps[curpat][i].ctrdata;
      steps[~curpat][i].glide      = steps[curpat][i].glide;

void reset_steps(){
   int i,j;
   for(i=0; i<16; i++){
      for(j=0; j<2; j++){

// MAIN ####################################################################
   int s;
   port_init();            // ports initialisieren
   init_interrupts();         // start/stop button + timer 0 for bpm
   em6125_init();         // Display initialisieren
   //display_set_mode(STARTUP);   // Startup picture (500ms @DEBUG, 3s @RELEASE)
   display_set_mode(MENU);      // MENU Window with default values for(midichrx, midichtx)
   delay_ms(1000);         //3 s delay
                     //midi rx nicht verstellen!!!!!!!!
   display_set_mode(RUN);      // RUN Window with default values for(bpm,pattern, step, set)

      display_update_value(STEP_V);   // Display STEP aktualisieren
      display_update_value(STEP_V);   // Display STEP aktualisieren
         display_update_value(BPM_V);   // Display BPM aktualisieren
         display_update_value(BPM_V);   // Display BPM aktualisieren
      display_update_value(PATTERN_V);   // Display BPM aktualisieren
      display_update_value(PATTERN_V);   // Display BPM aktualisieren
}// end main loop

}// end main

PCM programmer

Joined: 06 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:22 pm     Reply with quote

Strip the program down to a test program. Use Ex_Sisr.c as the basis
of the test program. Incoming bytes from the Midi keyboard will be
put in a buffer. In a while() loop in main(), poll to see if byte is in the
buffer. If so, get it from the buffer by using bgetc(), and display it in
ASCII hex format on your terminal program, by using "%X" in printf.

Now send some messages from the keyboard. Look at the displayed
hex bytes on the terminal window. See if they are correct. This simple
test will tell you if you can successfully do basic communication with the
keyboard. Once you have that part working, then you can do the rest
of your program.
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