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CCS Bootloader for PIC24HJ256GP610 [SOLVED]

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CCS Bootloader for PIC24HJ256GP610 [SOLVED]
PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:58 am     Reply with quote

I'm sorry for opening another topic about bootloaders.
I know that there are plenty of them and I really read through a lot of them since last week. But none really helped me.

I have successfully loaded the example bootloader (ex_pcd_bootloader.c, because I am using the pcd compiler) on to the pic.

I am using PCD Version 5.040

My problem now is that I cannot load a simple program (an blinking led) hex file on to the PIC24 with the Siow.exe that is provided with ccs.

I always get the "Timeout while downloading" error message.

My settings in the Siow.exe is

ComPorts: Direct to COM6 (that is where the PIC its connected to)
Baud rates: 9600
Parity: None
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Software Flow Control: Both , Xon Value 0x11, Xoff Value 0x13
Hardware Flow Control: Nothing selected

This is the program i want to load on to the pic with the bootloader (siow.exe)

#device PIC24HJ256GP610

#include "24HJ256GP610.h"

#fuses NONE // so that the bootloader fuses are not overwritten///////

#use delay(crystal=20MHz)
#use delay(clock=80000000)

#define LED PIN_A12

#DEFINE LOADER_END (getenv("FLASH_ERASE_SIZE")-1)//////////////////////
#BUILD (reset=LOADER_END+1,interrupt=LOADER_END+5)/////////////////////
#ORG 0x000,LOADER_END {} ///////////////////////////////////////////////
#use rs232(baud=9600,parity=N,UART1,bits=8,STREAM=COM1) // use COM1///////
#use rs232(baud=9600,parity=N,UART2,bits=8,STREAM=COM6) // use COM6///////

void initPorts(void)

void main(void)
   setup_oscillator(OSC_CRYSTAL, 80000000, 20000000);


I thank you for any help.

Last edited by PIC24H on Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:21 pm; edited 6 times in total

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:55 am     Reply with quote

Do the build offsets, by just using #include pcd_bootloader.h

This automatically sets the build as required to match the bootloader. Look at how ex_pcd_bootload.c is done (this is an example program to load with the bootloader).

Your location for the run time program is wrong for the standard bootloader setup (in fact it is wrong for any setup)....

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:35 am     Reply with quote

Ttelmah wrote:
Do the build offsets, by just using #include pcd_bootloader.h

This automatically sets the build as required to match the bootloader. Look at how ex_pcd_bootload.c is done (this is an example program to load with the bootloader).

Your location for the run time program is wrong for the standard bootloader setup (in fact it is wrong for any setup)....

Thanks for your reply. I have created a new project with the ex_pcd_bootload.c. I have included the 24HJxxx.h and the pcd_bootloader.h. It compiles fine without errors. But when using Siow.exe to transfer it to the pic I get the same error "Timeout while downloading".

this is the code (I left parts out)

#include "24HJ25....."
#fuses NOWDT
#use delay(.....
#use rs232(....

#include "pcd_bootloader..."

void main()


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:33 am     Reply with quote

just some silly basic ideas...
1) have both bootloader and program the SAME fuses and clock speeds ?

2) is the PC(SIOW) really on COM6 ? easy to confirm, use loopback.

I've been down a similar path and the wire from PC to PIC was faulty !!!


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:36 am     Reply with quote

Also I notice two #USE DELAY statements in the original code.....

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:24 am     Reply with quote

temtronic wrote:
just some silly basic ideas...
1) have both bootloader and program the SAME fuses and clock speeds ?

2) is the PC(SIOW) really on COM6 ? easy to confirm, use loopback.

I've been down a similar path and the wire from PC to PIC was faulty !!!


1) Yes both have used the following fuses and clock speeds

#fuses NOWDT
#use delay(crystal=20MHz)

2) Yes it is. It outputs ASCII Signs in the Siow when i reset it.

fprintf(COM2,"\r\nBootloader Version 1.0\r\n");
fprintf(COM2,"\r\nWaiting for download...");


I will join them like this then

#use delay(crystal=20MHz,clock=80000000)

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:16 am     Reply with quote

That fuse and clock combination, on that chip, with the clocks on separate lines, selects PR, HS, not PR_PLL(tried with three compiler versions). So as originally posted, the chip will actually be running at 20Mhz, while the code thinks it is running at 80MHz. RS232 won't then work....

Putting them on one line, it switches to starting with FRC (which it has to do), and does appear to correctly program the switch to the external clock.

I must admit I don't 'like' relying on the defaults for the fuses. I'd be explicit and select something like:

#use delay(crystal=20MHz, clock=80000000)

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:27 am     Reply with quote

De fault is the defaults !

Rule #1 , 'defaults' are the OTHER guys idea of how the PIC should be setup

Rule #2, HIS 'defaults' will NEVER be what YOU need

Rule #3, Create a 'header' file with KNOWN, working set of 'default' fuses and #include it ! that way you'll always have a good, KNOWN set of fuses.
it also cleans up the 'clutter' of 20-30 fuses in 'main',


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:39 pm     Reply with quote

Thanks for all your help and hints. I will try it tomorrow when I'm back at the university.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:31 am     Reply with quote

Ok the current status is:

I wrote an simple program so that an led blinks. This is the code

#include "24HJ256GP610.h"

#use delay(crystal=20MHz, clock=80000000)

#use rs232(baud=19200,parity=N,xmit=PIN_F5,rcv=PIN_F4,bits=8,STREAM=COM2)
////#use rs232(baud=19200,STREAM=COM2)

#include "pcd_bootloader.h"

#define LED PIN_A12

void initPorts(void)
void main(void)


If I don't #include "pcd_bootloader.h" the program works fine when I'm loading it on to the pic. But when I #include "pcd_bootloader.h" the led doesn't blink. It has something to do with the header file of the bootloader.

Anyway I cant load the program on to the pic using the bootloader and the siow.exe . I still get the "Timeout while downloading" error message.

This is the bootloader code (modified because its not allowed to copy and paste the original code)

#include "24HJ256GP610.h"
#use delay(crystal=20MHz, clock=80000000)
#use rs232(baud=19200,parity=N,xmit=PIN_F5,rcv=PIN_F4,bits=8,STREAM=COM2)

#define BUTTON PIN_F6
#define _bldr

#include "pcd_bootloader.h"
#include "loader_pcd.c"

void app(void)

void main(void)
      fprintf(COM2,"\r\nBL Version 1.0\r\n");

      fprintf(COM2,"\r\nWaiting for download...");



void isr(void)

I didn't made an extra header file for the fuses, but I will do that for future projects.

I really don't know why it is not working. I can't even get the ex_pcd_bootload.c to load on to the pic.

Is there a delay missing to recognize that there is something coming?

This is how Siow looks and my configurations (even when I toggle the RTS and DTR nothing changes).

I think something must be wrong with my connection because I cant even load the example apps made for the bootloader on to the pic. Not even the bootloader from microchip and the dummy app provided.

I will look what could be wrong with my connection setup.

Could it be because I am using a RS232 to USB adapter? I have edited it to COM2 with


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:23 am     Reply with quote

I think I finally have the problem. When I directly connected it to the rs232 port, without the rs232 to usb adapter it works. I can load files on to the pic with the bootloader. I dont know why my professor gave me this adapter..... Sorry for bothering you guys :( I have learned my lesson

This is an awesome forum by the way. Thanks for all the help. I'll definetly be here for some time

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:08 am     Reply with quote

there are two different USB 'adapters'

1) A real RS-232 <> USB, that HAS RS-232 electronics in it,usually comes with DE-9 connector

2) a TTL<>USB adapter, does NOT have RS-232 electronics,usually has a 'header' of 10 pins, NO DE-9 connector on a cable.

#1 came out early to allow 'old' devices to be used with newer PCs that don't have real ,physical .RS-232 comports.

#2 is the $2 type used by guys like me to connect PICs to a PC. Since it is TTL comaptible, it will directly connect to the PICs I/O pins, NO 'MAX232' interface chip required.


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:58 am     Reply with quote

temtronic wrote:
there are two different USB 'adapters'

1) A real RS-232 <> USB, that HAS RS-232 electronics in it,usually comes with DE-9 connector

2) a TTL<>USB adapter, does NOT have RS-232 electronics,usually has a 'header' of 10 pins, NO DE-9 connector on a cable.

#1 came out early to allow 'old' devices to be used with newer PCs that don't have real ,physical .RS-232 comports.

#2 is the $2 type used by guys like me to connect PICs to a PC. Since it is TTL compatible, it will directly connect to the PICs I/O pins, NO 'MAX232' interface chip required.


Thanks for the info.

Got one last problem. I successfully loaded the bootloader on to the pic

When I put "Software Flow Control" on none i can upload a program to the pic without getting the "Timeout while downloading" error message.

But after is successfully uploaded the program the error led is green and the Program that should be running now is not working. After a reset den bootloader text is displayed again.

After I press the MCLR Button

My bootloader code is

#include "24HJ256GP610.h"
#use delay(crystal=20MHz)

#use rs232(Baud=9600,UART2,bits=8,STREAM=COM1)

#define BUTTON PIN_F6

#define _bootloader

#include "bootloader.h"
#include "loader.c"

void app(void)

void main(void)
      fprintf(COM1, "\r\nBootloader Ver 1.0\r\n");

      fprintf(COM1, "\r\nWaiting to download...");



void isr(void)

and the simple program code is

#include "24HJ256GP610.h"
#include "bootloader.h"

#use delay(crystal=20MHz)

#use rs232(Baud=9600,UART2,bits=8,STREAM=COM1)
#define LED PIN_A12

void initPorts(void)

void main(void)
   setup_oscillator(OSC_CRYSTAL, 80000000, 20000000);


this is how i set up the com1 port


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:14 am     Reply with quote

The CCS customer support helped me and everything works fine
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