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Joined: 28 May 2018 Posts: 3
pic16f877a CFGWORD2 not implemented |
Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 4:23 pm |
this is the code
Code: |
//LCD module connections
#define LCD_RS_PIN PIN_D0
#define LCD_RW_PIN PIN_D1
#define LCD_DATA4 PIN_D3
#define LCD_DATA5 PIN_D4
#define LCD_DATA6 PIN_D5
#define LCD_DATA7 PIN_D6
//End LCD module connections
#include <16F887.h>
#use delay(clock = 8MHz)
#include <lcd.c>
short nec_ok = 0;
unsigned int8 nec_state = 0, command, inv_command, i;
unsigned int16 address;
unsigned int32 nec_code;
#INT_EXT // External interrupt
void ext_isr(void){
unsigned int16 time;
if(nec_state != 0){
time = get_timer1(); // Store Timer1 value
set_timer1(0); // Reset Timer1
case 0 : // Start receiving IR data (we're at the beginning of 9ms pulse)
setup_timer_1( T1_INTERNAL | T1_DIV_BY_2 ); // Enable Timer1 module with internal clock source and prescaler = 2
set_timer1(0); // Reset Timer1 value
nec_state = 1; // Next state: end of 9ms pulse (start of 4.5ms space)
i = 0;
ext_int_edge( H_TO_L ); // Toggle external interrupt edge
case 1 : // End of 9ms pulse
if((time > 9500) || (time < 8500)){ // Invalid interval ==> stop decoding and reset
nec_state = 0; // Reset decoding process
setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); // Stop Timer1 module
nec_state = 2; // Next state: end of 4.5ms space (start of 562µs pulse)
ext_int_edge( L_TO_H ); // Toggle external interrupt edge
case 2 : // End of 4.5ms space
if((time > 5000) || (time < 4000)){ // Invalid interval ==> stop decoding and reset
nec_state = 0; // Reset decoding process
setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); // Stop Timer1 module
nec_state = 3; // Next state: end of 562µs pulse (start of 562µs or 1687µs space)
ext_int_edge( H_TO_L ); // Toggle external interrupt edge
case 3 : // End of 562µs pulse
if((time > 700) || (time < 400)){ // Invalid interval ==> stop decoding and reset
nec_state = 0; // Reset decoding process
setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); // Disable Timer1 module
nec_state = 4; // Next state: end of 562µs or 1687µs space
ext_int_edge( L_TO_H ); // Toggle external interrupt edge
case 4 : // End of 562µs or 1687µs space
if((time > 1800) || (time < 400)){ // Invalid interval ==> stop decoding and reset
nec_state = 0; // Reset decoding process
setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); // Disable Timer1 module
if( time > 1000) // If space width > 1ms (short space)
bit_set(nec_code, (31 - i)); // Write 1 to bit (31 - i)
else // If space width < 1ms (long space)
bit_clear(nec_code, (31 - i)); // Write 0 to bit (31 - i)
if(i > 31){ // If all bits are received
nec_ok = 1; // Decoding process OK
disable_interrupts(INT_EXT); // Disable the external interrupt
nec_state = 3; // Next state: end of 562µs pulse (start of 562µs or 1687µs space)
ext_int_edge( H_TO_L ); // Toggle external interrupt edge
#INT_TIMER1 // Timer1 interrupt (used for time out)
void timer1_isr(void){
nec_state = 0; // Reset decoding process
ext_int_edge( L_TO_H ); // External interrupt edge from high to low
setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); // Disable Timer1 module
clear_interrupt(INT_TIMER1); // Clear Timer1 interrupt flag bit
void main(){
setup_oscillator(OSC_8MHZ); // Set internal oscillator to 8MHz
lcd_init(); // Initialize LCD module
lcd_putc('\f'); // LCD clear
enable_interrupts(GLOBAL); // Enable global interrupts
enable_interrupts(INT_EXT_L2H); // Enable external interrupt
clear_interrupt(INT_TIMER1); // Clear Timer1 interrupt flag bit
enable_interrupts(INT_TIMER1); // Enable Timer1 interrupt
lcd_gotoxy(1, 1);
printf(lcd_putc, "Address:0x0000");
lcd_gotoxy(1, 2); // Go to column 1 line 2
printf(lcd_putc, "Com:0x00 In:0x00");
if(nec_ok){ // If the mcu successfully receives NEC protocol message
nec_ok = 0; // Reset decoding process
nec_state = 0;
setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED); // Disable Timer1 module
address = nec_code >> 16;
command = nec_code >> 8;
inv_command = nec_code;
lcd_gotoxy(11, 1); // Go to column 11 line 1
lcd_gotoxy(7, 2); // Go to column 7 line 2
lcd_gotoxy(15, 2); // Go to column 15 line 2
enable_interrupts(INT_EXT_H2L); // Enable external interrupt
} |
when i start the simulation in proteus i get this error list
Code: | PROSPICE 8.02.00 (Build 18620) (C) Labcenter Electronics 1993-2015.
Loaded netlist 'C:\Users\wahab\AppData\Local\Temp\LISA4057.SDF' for design '6 KANAL.pdsprj'
PIC16 model release 8.03.00 (Build 19892) simulating PIC1684 device. [U1]
PIC16 model release 8.03.00 (Build 19892) simulating PIC1684 device. [U2]
PIC16 model release 8.03.00 (Build 19892) simulating PIC168771 device. [U3]
Loaded 64 bytes of persistent EEPROM data. [U1]
[COFF] Loading PIC COFF file 'D:\pic\rf remote pic16f84a\rf_remote_pic16f84a.COF'. [U1]
Loaded 277 program words and 0 data bytes. [U1]
Loaded 64 bytes of persistent EEPROM data. [U2]
[COFF] Loading PIC COFF file 'D:\pic\rf remote pic16f84a\reciver\ir modified\rf_remote_pic16f84a.COF'. [U2]
Loaded 280 program words and 0 data bytes. [U2]
Loaded 256 bytes of persistent EEPROM data. [U3]
[COFF] Loading PIC COFF file 'D:\pic\rf remote pic16f84a\reciver\interrupt and timer0 pic16f877a\16f877a_nec_decoder.COF'. [U3]
CFGWORD2 not implemented [U3]
Loaded 894 program words and 0 data bytes. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0311. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0312. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0318. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x0189 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x031A. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0189 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0320. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0188 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0322. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0107 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0323. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0108 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0324. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0109 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0329. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x032A. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16] PC=0x0354. Processor has been reset by watchdog timer expiring at time 2.304000. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0311. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0312. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0318. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x0189 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x031A. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0189 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0320. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0188 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0322. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0107 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0323. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0108 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0324. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0109 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0329. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x032A. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16] PC=0x0354. Processor has been reset by watchdog timer expiring at time 4.608000. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0311. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0312. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0318. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x0189 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x031A. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0189 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0320. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0188 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0322. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0107 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0323. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0108 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0324. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0109 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0329. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x032A. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16] PC=0x0354. Processor has been reset by watchdog timer expiring at time 6.912000. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0311. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0312. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0318. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x0189 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x031A. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0189 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0320. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0188 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0322. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0107 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0323. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0108 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0324. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0109 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0329. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x032A. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16] PC=0x0354. Processor has been reset by watchdog timer expiring at time 9.216000. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0311. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0312. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0318. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x0189 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x031A. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0189 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0320. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0188 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0322. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0107 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0323. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0108 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0324. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0109 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0329. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x032A. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16] PC=0x0354. Processor has been reset by watchdog timer expiring at time 11.520000. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0311. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0312. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0318. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x0189 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x031A. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0189 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0320. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0188 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0322. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0107 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0323. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0108 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0324. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0109 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0329. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x032A. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16] PC=0x0354. Processor has been reset by watchdog timer expiring at time 13.824000. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0311. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0312. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0318. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x0189 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x031A. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0189 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0320. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0188 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0322. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0107 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0323. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0108 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0324. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x0109 with 0x00 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x0329. Attempt to write unimplemented memory location 0x008F with 0x71 ignored. [U3]
[PIC16 MEMORY] PC=0x032A. Attempt to read unimplemented memory location 0x008F ignored. [U3]
Thanks in advance to help solve this problem. |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 5:28 pm |
Your title says this:
Quote: | pic16f877a CFGWORD2 not implemented
But your code says this:
Quote: | #include <16F887.h> |
So which is it ? Those are two different PICs. |
Joined: 01 Jul 2010 Posts: 9431 Location: Greensville,Ontario
Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 5:34 pm |
get rid of Proteus !!!
please read PIC101
PIC16 model release 8.03.00 (Build 19892) simulating PIC1684 device. [U1]
PIC16 model release 8.03.00 (Build 19892) simulating PIC1684 device. [U2]
PIC16 model release 8.03.00 (Build 19892) simulating PIC168771 device. [U3]
Loaded 64 bytes of persistent EEPROM data. [U1]
[COFF] Loading PIC COFF file 'D:\pic\rf remote pic16f84a\rf_remote_pic16f84a.COF'. [U1]
appears to ONLY simulate 2 devices, neither is your device...
so I'll assume your version of Proteus is NOT capable of simulating the PIC you're trying to use, well test. |
Joined: 28 May 2018 Posts: 3
Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 5:51 pm |
I changed #include <16F887.h> to #include <16F877a.h>
The problem now is I can't get 1us delay in Timer1.
Using this prescaler config
Code: | setup_timer_1( T1_INTERNAL | T1_DIV_BY_2 ); |
What is wrong please ? |
Joined: 01 Jul 2010 Posts: 9431 Location: Greensville,Ontario
Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:17 pm |
well I counted 5 or 6 lines where you disabled timer1( including inside the ISR) and nowhere you enable it after the first 'initialization' code..
the code seems correct
8MHz Fosc/4= 2 MHz then /2 give 1MHz which is 1us... |
Joined: 28 May 2018 Posts: 3
Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:56 pm |
Yes now it work properly. The problem with Timer1 delay come from i miss to set pic frequency in proteus to 8 MHz, by default it is 1 MHz.
Thanks for your support. |