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[SOLVED] TMR2 Interrupt Not Working on PIC18F27K40

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[SOLVED] TMR2 Interrupt Not Working on PIC18F27K40
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:43 pm     Reply with quote

I am unable to get this simple code to work

#include <18F27K40.h>
#device adc=10

#FUSES NOWDT                    //No Watch Dog Timer
#FUSES PUT                      //Power Up Timer
#FUSES BORV28                   //Brownout reset at 2.8V
#FUSES NOLVP                    //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O

#use delay(internal=48000000)

#define LED_OUT   PIN_C2

void micro_init();

void  TIMER2_isr(void)

void main()

void micro_init()

I can get it to work with Timer 3, but not Timer 2. Timer 3 doesn't have enough resolution for what I am trying to do (I need an interrupt period in microseconds) otherwise I would just use Timer 3, but it would be great to understand why I can't get Timer 2 to work.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

The MCU is running off 5V derived from an LDO supplied by a quality bench power supply, it has a proper RC combo on MCLR pin, and I am using the latest compiler version v5.076

Here is the ASM Listing


               ROM used:   346 bytes (0%)
                           Largest free fragment is 65536
               RAM used:   27 (1%) at main() level
                           27 (1%) worst case
               Stack used: 1 locations (0 in main + 1 for interrupts)
               Stack size: 31

00000:  GOTO   0122
00008:  MOVWF  04
0000A:  MOVFF  FD8,05
0000E:  MOVFF  FE0,06
00012:  MOVLB  0
00014:  MOVFF  FE9,0C
00018:  MOVFF  FEA,07
0001C:  MOVFF  FE1,08
00020:  MOVFF  FE2,09
00024:  MOVFF  FD9,0A
00028:  MOVFF  FDA,0B
0002C:  MOVFF  FF3,12
00030:  MOVFF  FF4,13
00034:  MOVFF  FFA,14
00038:  MOVFF  FF5,15
0003C:  MOVFF  FF6,16
00040:  MOVFF  FF7,17
00044:  MOVFF  FF8,18
00048:  MOVFF  FFB,19
0004C:  MOVFF  00,0E
00050:  MOVFF  01,0F
00054:  MOVFF  02,10
00058:  MOVFF  03,11
0005C:  MOVLB  E
0005E:  BTFSS  xC6.1
00060:  GOTO   006A
00064:  BTFSC  xCE.1
00066:  GOTO   00C0
0006A:  MOVFF  0E,00
0006E:  MOVFF  0F,01
00072:  MOVFF  10,02
00076:  MOVFF  11,03
0007A:  MOVFF  0C,FE9
0007E:  MOVFF  07,FEA
00082:  BSF    07.7
00084:  MOVFF  08,FE1
00088:  MOVFF  09,FE2
0008C:  MOVFF  0A,FD9
00090:  MOVFF  0B,FDA
00094:  MOVFF  12,FF3
00098:  MOVFF  13,FF4
0009C:  MOVFF  14,FFA
000A0:  MOVFF  15,FF5
000A4:  MOVFF  16,FF6
000A8:  MOVFF  17,FF7
000AC:  MOVFF  18,FF8
000B0:  MOVFF  19,FFB
000B4:  MOVF   04,W
000B6:  MOVFF  06,FE0
000BA:  MOVFF  05,FD8
000BE:  RETFIE 0
.................... #include <18F27K40.h>
.................... //////////// Standard Header file for the PIC18F27K40 device ////////////////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... ////        (C) Copyright 1996, 2014 Custom Computer Services          ////
.................... //// This source code may only be used by licensed users of the CCS C  ////
.................... //// compiler.  This source code may only be distributed to other      ////
.................... //// licensed users of the CCS C compiler.  No other use, reproduction ////
.................... //// or distribution is permitted without written permission.          ////
.................... //// Derivative programs created using this software in object code    ////
.................... //// form are not restricted in any way.                               ////
.................... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.................... #device PIC18F27K40
.................... #list
.................... #device adc=10 
.................... #FUSES NOWDT                    //No Watch Dog Timer
.................... #FUSES PUT                      //Power Up Timer
.................... #FUSES BORV28                   //Brownout reset at 2.8V
.................... #FUSES NOLVP                    //No low voltage prgming, B3(PIC16) or B5(PIC18) used for I/O
.................... #use delay(internal=48000000)
.................... #define LED_OUT   PIN_C2
.................... //********************
.................... // FUNCTION PROTOTYPES
.................... //********************
.................... void micro_init();
.................... #int_TIMER2 //4ms tick
.................... void  TIMER2_isr(void) 
000C0:  MOVLB  0
.................... { 
....................    output_high(LED_OUT);
000C2:  BCF    F8A.2
000C4:  BSF    F85.2
000C6:  MOVLB  E
000C8:  BCF    xCE.1
000CA:  MOVLB  0
000CC:  GOTO   006A
.................... }
.................... void main()
00122:  BSF    F81.7
00124:  BCF    F81.6
00126:  CLRF   FF8
00128:  BCF    FF2.5
0012A:  BSF    07.7
0012C:  MOVLB  E
0012E:  CLRF   xDD
00130:  CLRF   xDA
00132:  CLRF   xDC
00134:  MOVLW  07
00136:  MOVWF  xDE
00138:  MOVLW  60
0013A:  MOVWF  xD8
0013C:  MOVLB  F
0013E:  CLRF   x11
00140:  CLRF   x19
00142:  CLRF   x21
00144:  CLRF   x3A
00146:  CLRF   x3B
00148:  CLRF   x3C
0014A:  CLRF   x39
0014C:  CLRF   x36
0014E:  CLRF   x37
00150:  CLRF   x38
00152:  CLRF   x35
.................... {
....................    micro_init();
00154:  MOVLB  0
00156:  BRA    00D0
....................    while(TRUE)
....................    {
....................       delay_cycles(1);
00158:  NOP   
0015A:  BRA    0158
....................    }
.................... }
0015C:  SLEEP
.................... void micro_init()
.................... {
....................    setup_adc_ports(NO_ANALOGS|VSS_VDD);
000D0:  MOVLW  00
000D2:  MOVLB  F
000D4:  MOVWF  x58
000D6:  MOVWF  x11
000D8:  MOVWF  x19
000DA:  MOVWF  x21
....................    setup_adc(ADC_OFF|ADC_TAD_MUL_0);
000DC:  MOVLW  08
000DE:  MOVWF  x5A
000E0:  CLRF   x5B
000E2:  CLRF   x57
000E4:  CLRF   x5C
000E6:  CLRF   F66
000E8:  MOVLW  84
000EA:  MOVWF  F60
....................    setup_wdt(WDT_OFF);
000EC:  MOVLB  E
000EE:  BCF    xD2.0
....................    setup_timer_2(T2_DIV_BY_1,255,16);
000F0:  CLRF   FC0
000F2:  CLRF   FBE
000F4:  CLRF   FBF
000F6:  SETF   FBC
000F8:  MOVLW  8F
....................    setup_comparator(NC_NC_NC_NC);
000FC:  MOVLB  F
000FE:  CLRF   x3A
00100:  MOVLW  07
00102:  MOVWF  x3B
00104:  MOVWF  x3C
00106:  CLRF   x39
00108:  CLRF   x36
0010A:  MOVWF  x37
0010C:  MOVWF  x38
0010E:  CLRF   x35
....................    setup_vref(FALSE);
00110:  CLRF   x31
....................    clear_interrupt(INT_TIMER2);
00112:  MOVLB  E
00114:  BCF    xCE.1
....................    enable_interrupts(INT_TIMER2);
00116:  BSF    xC6.1
....................    enable_interrupts(GLOBAL);
00118:  MOVLW  C0
0011A:  IORWF  FF2,F
0011C:  MOVLB  0
0011E:  GOTO   0158 (RETURN)
.................... }

Configuration Fuses:

Last edited by matthewsachs on Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total
PCM programmer

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 12:04 am     Reply with quote

void micro_init()




You didn't specify the Timer2 clock source.
The default Timer2 clock for this PIC is an external clock supplied by the
user on a pin. I assume you don't want that. Try it with this line instead:
setup_timer_2(T2_CLK_INTERNAL | T2_DIV_BY_1, 255, 16);

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:13 am     Reply with quote

Thank you VERY MUCH PCM.
That new line of code worked.

Just out curiosity, why does Timer 2 default to use an external clock. Is this a CCS "feature" or something specific to this device - I can't find anything to that effect in the timesheet (maybe I am not looking in the right section):

14.1 Timer2 Operation
In normal operation, TMR2 is incremented from 00h on
each clock (FOSC/4). A 4-bit counter/prescaler on the
clock input gives direct input, divide-by-4 and
divide-by-16 prescale options; these are selected by
the prescaler control bits, T2CKPS<1:0> of the T2CON
register. The value of TMR2 is compared to that of the
period register, PR2, on each clock cycle. When the
two values match, the comparator generates a match
signal as the timer output. This signal also resets the
value of TMR2 to 00h on the next cycle and drives the
output counter/postscaler (see Section 14.2 “Timer2
The TMR2 and PR2 registers are both directly readable
and writable. The TMR2 register is cleared on any
device Reset, whereas the PR2 register initializes to
FFh. Both the prescaler and postscaler counters are
cleared on the following events:
• a write to the TMR2 register
• a write to the T2CON register
• any device Reset (Power-on Reset, MCLR Reset,
Watchdog Timer Reset or Brown-out Reset)
TMR2 is not cleared when T2CON is written.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:07 am     Reply with quote

Almost nothing is ever directly 'set' by CCS. On fuses for example, the 'default', is what the fuses erase to (in the past CCS did set some stuff but they have gradually shifted to not doing things unless settings are vital).

If you look at figure 20-1, you can see that T2, 4 & 6, have a huge number of possible clock sources. Look then at table 20-1, and '0000' in the clock setup, selects 'Pin selected by T2INPPS'.

If you then look at the register doing this:
The 'Timer Clock Source Selection Register,' you see it says:
Reset States: POR/BOR = 0000.

So the hardware default on reset for this chip is to use the external pin.

If you look at the same timer in an older/more basic PIC18, you will find that on most there is no input selection, and the timer is 'hard wired' to use Fosc/4. It is not specific to 'this' device, but is specific to later devices that offer multiple clock sources for Timer2.

I've just edited this. You are looking at the data sheet for the 27K40?.
Section 14 in this sheet is on interrupts, not the timer. I suspect you have the wrong or an obsolete sheet.
Timer2 is section 20 in the correct sheet.....
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