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Joined: 11 May 2011 Posts: 24
need help with PWM |
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:37 am |
hi guys
I have put up a small frequency generator using the pwm of the pic16f887. I have tested small code to check the generation of different PWM from serial input. But i want to input the frequency to the PIC via serial and to let the pic calculate and generate the signal.
The issue i am facing is that i have put the variables on a structure and i can calculate the data from it. But when i need to assign the value of a struct variable to a global variable or another struct variable it does not work. The gets(b) is to halt the program so i can see the output on the terminal
The code that is not working is this:
Calc_PR2_DUTY_nga_DIV( &FRQ ,Prescaler_var_1);
printf("\f FRQ.PR2 %lu \r",FRQ.PR2);
printf("\f tani duhet qe FRQ_var.PR2_1 te marr vleren e FRQ.PR2: %lu \r",FRQ.PR2);
FRQ_var.PR2_1 = FRQ.PR2; here i cannot assign the value from FRQ.PR2 to FRQ_var.PR2_1 PLEASE HELP
printf("\f FRQ_var.PR2_1 %lu \r",FRQ_var.PR2_1);
Code is attached maybe someone will help me in figuring out what i am missing. be aware the code is very messy and without cleaning
Code: |
#include <LCD-rev2.h>
#include "lcdrabah.c"
#include <STDLIB.H>
#include <string.h>
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7)
struct frequency_data
int32 frequency;
int32 frequenca_mesatare;
int16 PWM_F;
int32 PR2;
int16 Duty_Cycle;
struct frequency_var
int32 frequency_1;
int16 PWM_F_1;
int32 PR2_1;
int16 Duty_Cycle_1;
int16 prescaler_1;
int32 frequency_2;
int16 PWM_F_2;
int32 PR2_2;
int16 Duty_Cycle_2;
int16 prescaler_2;
int32 frequency_3;
int32 PWM_F_3;
int32 PR2_3;
int16 Duty_Cycle_3;
int16 prescaler_3;
typedef struct frequency_data Frequency_data;
typedef struct frequency_var Frequency_var;
void Calc_PR2_DUTY_nga_DIV( Frequency_data FRQ , int16 Prescaler)
char b;
printf("\f Frekuenca e paracaktuar e PIC16F887 ne kod eshte: %lu \r"FRQ.frequency);
printf("\f Pwm qe kerkuam %lu \r",FRQ.PWM_F);
FRQ.frequenca_mesatare = FRQ.frequency/4;
printf("\f calc FRQ.frequenca_mesatare faza fillestare %lu \r",FRQ.frequenca_mesatare);
switch (Prescaler)
//printf("\f prescaler i funksionit Calc_PR2_DUTY_nga_DIV : %lu \r",Prescaler);
case 1:
FRQ.PR2 = FRQ.frequenca_mesatare /FRQ.PWM_F - 1;
printf("\f calc FRQ.PR2 per prescaler 1: %lu \r",FRQ.PR2);
case 4:
FRQ.PR2 = FRQ.frequenca_mesatare /FRQ.PWM_F * 4;
printf("\f calc FRQ.PR2 per prescaler 4: %lu \r",FRQ.PR2);
case 16:
FRQ.PR2 = FRQ.frequenca_mesatare /FRQ.PWM_F * 16;
printf("\f calc FRQ.PR2 per prescaler 16: %lu \r",FRQ.PR2);
printf("\f Default nuk u pranua: %lu \r",FRQ.PR2);
FRQ.PR2 = 1;
FRQ.DUTY_CYcle = (FRQ.PR2 + 1) * Prescaler;
void Setup_PWM (int16 i, int16 y)
printf("\f Setup_PWM: DIV: %lu PR2: %lu \r",i,y);
void main()
int16 PR2_Final;
int16 Duty_cycle_final;
int16 Prescaler_Final;
int16 Prescaler_var_1 = 1;
int16 Prescaler_var_4 = 4;
int16 Prescaler_var_16 = 16;
frequency_data FRQ;
frequency_var FRQ_var;
lcd_putc("OK u ndez");
char DIV[30],PR2[30],Duty[30],Frekuenca[30];
unsigned int16 a=0,b=0;//frekuenca=0;
printf("\f Jepni vleren e Frekuences qe doni \r");
lcd_putc("\f Jepni vleren e Frekuence qe doni\r");
printf(lcd_putc,"\f%4s \r",Frekuenca);
FRQ.frequency = 4000000;
printf("\f vendoset Frekuencen %lu \r",FRQ.PWM_F);
Calc_PR2_DUTY_nga_DIV( &FRQ ,Prescaler_var_1);
printf("\f FRQ.PR2 %lu \r",FRQ.PR2);
printf("\f tani duhet qe FRQ_var.PR2_1 te marr vleren e FRQ.PR2: %lu \r",FRQ.PR2);
FRQ_var.PR2_1 = FRQ.PR2;
printf("\f FRQ_var.PR2_1 %lu \r",FRQ_var.PR2_1);
FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_1 = FRQ.Duty_Cycle;
FRQ_var.prescaler_1 = 1;
printf("\f FRQ_var.PR2_1 %lu \r",FRQ_var.PR2_1);
printf("\f FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_1 %lu \r",FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_1);
printf("\f FRQ_var.prescaler_1 %lu \r",FRQ_var.prescaler_1);
Calc_PR2_DUTY_nga_DIV( &FRQ ,Prescaler_var_4);
FRQ_var.PR2_2 = FRQ.PR2;
printf("\f FRQ_var.PR2_2 %lu \r",FRQ_var.PR2_2);
FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2 = FRQ.Duty_Cycle;
printf("\f FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2 %lu \r",FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2);
FRQ_var.prescaler_2 = 4;
printf("\f FRQ_var.prescaler_2 %lu \r",FRQ_var.prescaler_2);
Calc_PR2_DUTY_nga_DIV(&FRQ ,Prescaler_var_16);
FRQ_var.PR2_3 = FRQ.PR2;
printf("\f FRQ_var.PR2_3 %lu \r",FRQ_var.PR2_3);
FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_3 = FRQ.Duty_Cycle;
FRQ_var.prescaler_3 = 16;
printf("\f FRQ_var.prescaler_2 %lu \r",FRQ_var.prescaler_3);
if (FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_1 > FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2 && FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_1 > FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2)
PR2_Final = FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_1;
Duty_cycle_final = FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_1;
Prescaler_Final = FRQ_var.prescaler_1;
if (FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2 > FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_1 && FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2 > FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_3)
PR2_Final = FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2;
Duty_cycle_final = FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2;
Prescaler_Final = FRQ_var.prescaler_2;
if (FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_3 > FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_1 && FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_3 > FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_2)
PR2_Final = FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_3;
Duty_cycle_final = FRQ_var.Duty_Cycle_3;
Prescaler_Final = FRQ_var.prescaler_3;
Setup_PWM (Prescaler_Final,PR2_Final);
} |
Mike Walne
Joined: 19 Feb 2004 Posts: 1785 Location: Boston Spa UK
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:09 am |
For me to even consider this one you have to do some work.
Reduce your code to some 10 lines which show the issue.
Then you've got more of a chance.
Mike |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:12 am |
Quote: | when i need to assign the value of a struct variable to a global variable or
another struct variable it does not work |
That isn't a pwm problem. It's a structure variable access problem.
Make a test program that can be run in MPLAB simulator. The test
program should only contain code necessary to test the problem.
If I compile the program below with CCS vs. 4.141 and run it in MPLAB
Simulator, I get this result:
Quote: | FRQ_var.PR2_1 12345678 |
It's correct.
What is your compiler version ? Please don't say 5.006.
Also, you are doing some things below that are not supported, at least
in vs. 4.xxx. You are declaring local variables in mid-code. Quote: | lcd_gotoxy(1,1);
lcd_putc("OK u ndez");
char DIV[30],PR2[30],Duty[30],Frekuenca[30];
unsigned int16 a=0,b=0;//frekuenca=0; |
You should declare them at the start of the function:
Test program:
Code: |
#include <16F887.H>
#use delay(clock=4M)
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7, ERRORS)
struct frequency_data
int32 frequency;
int32 frequenca_mesatare;
int16 PWM_F;
int32 PR2;
int16 Duty_Cycle;
struct frequency_var
int32 frequency_1;
int16 PWM_F_1;
int32 PR2_1;
int16 Duty_Cycle_1;
int16 prescaler_1;
int32 frequency_2;
int16 PWM_F_2;
int32 PR2_2;
int16 Duty_Cycle_2;
int16 prescaler_2;
int32 frequency_3;
int32 PWM_F_3;
int32 PR2_3;
int16 Duty_Cycle_3;
int16 prescaler_3;
typedef struct frequency_data Frequency_data;
typedef struct frequency_var Frequency_var;
void main()
frequency_data FRQ;
frequency_var FRQ_var;
FRQ.PR2 = 12345678;
FRQ_var.PR2_1 = FRQ.PR2;
printf("FRQ_var.PR2_1 %lu \r",FRQ_var.PR2_1);
} |
Joined: 11 May 2011 Posts: 24
thanks |
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:29 am |
hi the issue that i got on compiling is the following:
error 167 test-struct.c line26 assignment invalid: lValue is READ ONLY
i made a test program as the following to check but it has the same issue. i know i dont know much but any help is very much appreciated:
Code: |
#include <test-struct.h>
#include "lcdrabah.c"
#include <STDLIB.H>
#include <string.h>
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7)
struct frequency_data
char frequency[10];
void display(struct frequency_data FRQ)
printf(" Output\nName: %s",FRQ.frequency);
void main()
char koli[10];
struct frequency_data *test; //pointer to structure
//setup_comparator(NC_NC_NC_NC);// This device COMP currently not supported by the PICWizard
struct frequency_data s1;//structure
printf( "Enter Frequency: ");
gets(&s1.frequency);// getting serial in to structure member
test =&s1;// getting pointer to structure
//koli = test->frequency; //failing to get the value from test.frequency to koli if i comment it out the code works
printf("koli eshte : %s",test->frequency ); //working it print it on the serial
//printf("koli eshte : %s",koli );
//test = (char*)s1.frequency;
//printf ("-.....-: %s",test);
//printf(" Output\nName: %s",&my_struct_pointer.frequency);
} |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:53 am |
I have to go work on company stuff for a few hours, so I can't help until
later in the afternoon. Maybe someone else can help for a while. |
Mike Walne
Joined: 19 Feb 2004 Posts: 1785 Location: Boston Spa UK
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:02 pm |
You're still not telling us your compiler version.
Also, you need to post short complete, compilable code we can copy and paste to test.
Mike |
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