Douglas Kennedy
Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Posts: 755 Location: Florida
12F629 issues |
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:42 pm |
I don't understand why the MCLR fuse is ignored and reset to NoMCLR when the
#DEVICE ICD=TRUE statement is included
The ICD40 will program the chip and it will run but the CCS debugger errors out No MCLR or Clock I'm assuming its because the MCLR FUSE was ignored and overridden to NOMCLR turning GP3 into an I/O pin.
I know the ICD40 and the CCS IDE with built in debugger takes over
GP0(PG data) GP1(PG clock) GP3(MCLR) and another GP for debug printing to the monitor window. Leaving only two application pins so its not ideal but it should at least work.
Is there a way to override CCS's override of the FUSES statement.
Code: |
CCS PCM C Compiler, Version 3.249
ROM used: 60 words (8%)
Largest free fragment is 708
RAM used: 3 (6%) at main() level
4 (8%) worst case
Stack: 1 locations
0000: NOP
0001: MOVLW 00
0002: MOVWF 0A
0003: GOTO 004
0004: CALL 3FF
0005: BSF 03.5
0006: MOVWF 10
0007: MOVLW 00
0008: MOVWF 0A
0009: GOTO 01F
.................... #include <12F629.h>
.................... //////// Standard Header file for the PIC12F629 device ////////////////
.................... #device PIC12F629
.................... #list
.................... #device ICD=TRUE
.................... #fuses INTRC_IO, NOWDT, MCLR, PUT, BROWNOUT
.................... #use delay(clock=4000000)
000A: MOVLW 24
000B: MOVWF 04
000C: MOVF 00,W
000D: BTFSC 03.2
000E: GOTO 01E
000F: MOVLW 01
0010: MOVWF 21
0011: CLRF 20
0012: DECFSZ 20,F
0013: GOTO 012
0014: DECFSZ 21,F
0015: GOTO 011
0016: MOVLW 4A
0017: MOVWF 20
0018: DECFSZ 20,F
0019: GOTO 018
001A: NOP
001B: NOP
001C: DECFSZ 00,F
001D: GOTO 00F
001E: RETLW 00
.................... //==========================
.................... //#rom 0x3FF = {0x3480} //// sets the internal oscillator to mid freq near 4mhz
.................... /// if the location 0x3FF is erased in error the osc won't run
.................... // config word at 0x2007 should be {0x31E4}
.................... void main()
.................... {
001F: CLRF 04
0020: MOVLW 1F
0021: ANDWF 03,F
0022: MOVLW 07
0023: MOVWF 19
.................... while(1)
.................... {
.................... output_high(PIN_A4);
0024: BSF 03.5
0025: BCF 05.4
0026: BCF 03.5
0027: BSF 05.4
.................... delay_ms(500);
0028: MOVLW 02
0029: MOVWF 23
002B: MOVWF 24
002C: CALL 00A
002D: DECFSZ 23,F
002E: GOTO 02A
.................... output_low(PIN_A4);
002F: BSF 03.5
0030: BCF 05.4
0031: BCF 03.5
0032: BCF 05.4
.................... delay_ms(500);
0033: MOVLW 02
0034: MOVWF 23
0035: MOVLW FA
0036: MOVWF 24
0037: CALL 00A
0038: DECFSZ 23,F
0039: GOTO 035
.................... }
003A: GOTO 024
.................... }
003B: GOTO 03B
Configuration Fuses: