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variables being overwritten - 2.236 - PIC18F258 - can bus

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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
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variables being overwritten - 2.236 - PIC18F258 - can bus
PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:56 am     Reply with quote

I have tried to recreate this in a smaller project but have been unable, I have therefore picked out what I think may be the relevant parts of this project to see if anyone can see what is going wrong.

99% of the time it is running fine, however I appear to be getting memory corruption.
I have found talk on the message board of problems with certain compilers overwriting data with the can bus routines but I am using 2.236 which sounds to be the most stable.

I have a motor control project which basically goes like this.
Incoming data on CAN bus is buffered in interrupt routine.
Main loop then decodes this data to work out required motor speed, using motor_convert_100_12 amongst other routines.
Timer generates interrupts at varying rate to cause next step to be written to stepper motor.
Also when a sensor is triggered the current position is stored in memory ready for the main loop to check that the motor is where it is expected to be.

The memory that gets corrupted is the first 2 elements of the array motor_fast_step_size_lookup[] i.e. addresses 02A and 02B
The value of 02B after corruption just happens to be the variable passed to motor_convert_100_12() and this routine uses addresses 22A and 22B for data manipulation.

I have confirmed that I am not writing values to the array motor_fast_step_size_lookup[] through errant code - this is normally written once on power up and then referred to from then on.

I imagine that for some reason the bank address for data writing is getting corrupted and changed from 2 to 0, but I cannot see why.
Am I right in thinking that the compiler should handle all this, I am a bit stuck now to see what I can do.

If you wish to see any other aspects of the files I can provide the relevant info.

Thanks in advance for your help.



begin P3M00.C

  #include "18F258.h"
  #device *=16

  #DEVICE ADC=8   // 8 bit resolution is enough for our purposes, and maintains compatability with other devices as well as using less memory

  #define CLOCK_USED_MHZ 20
  #define CLOCK_USED 20000000

  #use delay(clock=CLOCK_USED, restart_wdt)
  #use rs232 (baud=57600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7, ERRORS)
  #use i2c (master, sda=PIN_C4, scl=PIN_C3, FORCE_HW)
  #define _I2C_W_ADDRESS_ 0x5A


/*       Name: motor_datum_isr
/*    Purpose: store details of speed travelling at when sensor passed and abs pos read at the time
/*             this will be decoded when the processor has time and abs pos modified if needbe
/* Design status: incomplete
// amw - just need to verify if force_stop is needed on preset control, may stop us reaching presets above vertical
void motor_datum_isr (void)
  if (motor_datum_retrigger_step_size == 0)               // if already have data to decode then decode that,
  {                                                       // don't read any new data
    motor_datum_retrigger_pos = motor_act_step_pos;
    motor_datum_retrigger_microstep = motor_micro_step_pos;
    motor_datum_retrigger_timer_reload = motor_timer_actual_period;
    motor_datum_retrigger_step_size = motor_actual_step_size;
    motor_datum_retrigger_direction = motor_actual_direction;
    motor_datum_retrigger_prescaler = motor_actual_prescale;
    motor_datum_retrigger_postscaler = motor_actual_postscale;

  if (frame_axis == TILT)
    if (motor_finding_upper_limit == FALSE)               // if we are not deliberately trying to reach limit
      if (motor_actual_direction < 0)                     // and moving upwards
        motor_force_stop = TRUE;

/*       Name: motor_timer_isr
/*    Purpose: call external routines to reload timer and write step
/* Design status: appears complete - untested
#ifndef _NO_REAL_STEPS_                                   //
#int_timer1                                               //
void motor_timer_isr (void)                               //
{                                                         //
  static signed int8 postscale_counter = 0;               //
  int16 local_timer_reload;                               //

  local_timer_reload = (0xFFFF - motor_timer_actual_period);

  set_timer1 (local_timer_reload);                        // set timer ready for next step

<snip> (lengthy series of branches and calcultaions to move motor by required amount and calculate required delay before calling timer again)

    if (get_timer1 () < (local_timer_reload))             // if ISR latency was so long it missed a trigger
    {                                                     //
      set_timer1 (0xFC00);                                // so try again ASAP (with a little time left to process program loop stuff and decode comms)
    }                                                     //
  }                                                       //
}                                                         //

/*       Name: motor_convert_100_12
/*    Purpose: take a number in the range -100 to +100 and convert it into range -12 to +12
/* Design status: corrupts data at 02A and 02B courteousy of scratch data at 22A perhaps?
signed int8 motor_convert_100_12 (signed int8 input_speed)
  signed int8 local_speed;

  local_speed = input_speed;

  if (local_speed > 100)
    local_speed = 100;
  if (local_speed < -100)
    local_speed = -100;

  return (int8) ( local_speed * 12L / 100);         // convert from full scale into -12 > +12

end P3M00.C


begin OUTPUT

Executing: "C:\Program Files\PICC\PICC PCH 3_236\Ccsc.exe" "P3M00.C" +FH +DF +LN +T -A +M +Z +Y=9 +EA

>> Warning 216 "E:\work\p3m00\P3M00.C" Line 150(0,1): Interrupts disabled during call to prevent re-entrancy:  (@DIV88)
>> Warning 216 "E:\work\p3m00\P3M00.C" Line 150(0,1): Interrupts disabled during call to prevent re-entrancy:  (@MUL1616)
>> Warning 202 "E:\work\p3m00\device.h" Line 16(7,10): Variable never used:   rs232_errors
     Memory usage:   ROM=93%      RAM=33% - 50%
     0 Errors,  3 Warnings.



begin P3M00.SYM

000     @SCRATCH
001     @SCRATCH
001     _RETURN_
002     @SCRATCH
003     @SCRATCH
004     @SCRATCH
019     rs232_errors
01A     motor_force_stop
01B     motor_report_locate_complete
01C     motor_repeat_locate
01D     motor_select_next_function_flag
01E     motor_update_current_flag
01F     motor_unattainable_step_flag
020     motor_finding_upper_limit
021     motor_force_pfd
022     motor_modify_current_flag
023     motor_current_level
024-029 motor_slow_step_size_lookup
02A-02F motor_fast_step_size_lookup


229     motor_config.@SCRATCH
22A     motor_convert_100_12.local_speed
22A     motor_config_8.memory_location
22A     motor_config_16.memory_location
22A     motor_calibrate_if_required.@SCRATCH
22A     motor_report_boot_up.@SCRATCH
22A     motor_config.@SCRATCH
22B-22C motor_config_16.required_value
22B-22C motor_process_datum.expected_pos
22B-22C motor_config_8.required_value
22B     motor_convert_100_12.@SCRATCH
22B     motor_config.@SCRATCH
22C     motor_convert_100_12.@SCRATCH
22C     motor_config.@SCRATCH


Compiler Settings:
    Processor:      PIC18F258
    Pointer Size:   16
    ADC Range:      0-255
    Opt Level:      9
    Short,Int,Long: 1,8,16


end P3M00.SYM


begin P3M00.LST

CCS PCH C Compiler, Version 3.236, 31524               20-Feb-07 13:04

               Filename: P3M00.LST

               ROM used: 30576 bytes (93%)
                         Largest free fragment is 2192
               RAM used: 512 (33%) at main() level
                         773 (50%) worst case
               Stack:    21 worst case (17 in main + 4 for interrupts)


.................... /**********************************************************/
.................... /*       Name: motor_datum_isr
.................... /*    Purpose: store details of speed travelling at when sensor passed and abs pos read at the time
.................... /*             this will be decoded when the processor has time and abs pos modified if needbe
.................... /* Design status: incomplete
.................... // amw - just need to verify if force_stop is needed on preset control, may stop us reaching presets above vertical
.................... /**********************************************************/
.................... #int_ext
.................... void motor_datum_isr (void)
.................... {
....................   if (motor_datum_retrigger_step_size == 0)               // if already have data to decode then decode that,
0BDE:  MOVF   x23,F
0BE0:  BNZ   0C06
....................   {                                                       // don't read any new data
....................     motor_datum_retrigger_pos = motor_act_step_pos;
0BE2:  MOVFF  155,120
0BE6:  MOVFF  154,11F
....................     motor_datum_retrigger_microstep = motor_micro_step_pos;
0BEA:  MOVFF  156,127
....................     motor_datum_retrigger_timer_reload = motor_timer_actual_period;
0BEE:  MOVFF  131,122
0BF2:  MOVFF  130,121
....................     motor_datum_retrigger_step_size = motor_actual_step_size;
0BF6:  MOVFF  143,123
....................     motor_datum_retrigger_direction = motor_actual_direction;
0BFA:  MOVFF  149,124
....................     motor_datum_retrigger_prescaler = motor_actual_prescale;
0BFE:  MOVFF  145,125
....................     motor_datum_retrigger_postscaler = motor_actual_postscale;
0C02:  MOVFF  147,126
....................   }
....................   if (frame_axis == TILT)
0C06:  MOVF   x5D,W
0C08:  SUBLW  02
0C0A:  BNZ   0C1A
....................   {
....................     if (motor_finding_upper_limit == FALSE)               // if we are not deliberately trying to reach limit
0C0C:  MOVF   20,F
0C0E:  BNZ   0C1A
....................       if (motor_actual_direction < 0)                     // and moving upwards 
0C10:  BTFSC  x49.7
0C12:  BRA    0C16
0C14:  BRA    0C1A
....................         motor_force_stop = TRUE;
0C16:  MOVLW  01
0C18:  MOVWF  1A
....................   }
.................... }


.................... /**********************************************************/
.................... /*       Name: motor_timer_isr
.................... /*    Purpose: call external routines to reload timer and write step
.................... /* Design status: appears complete - untested
.................... /**********************************************************/
.................... #ifndef _NO_REAL_STEPS_                                   //
0C1A:  BCF    FF2.1
0C1C:  MOVLB  0
0C1E:  GOTO   008A
.................... #int_timer1                                               //
.................... #endif
.................... void motor_timer_isr (void)                               //
.................... {                                                         //
....................   static signed int8 postscale_counter = 0;               //
....................   int16 local_timer_reload;                               //
....................   local_timer_reload = (0xFFFF - motor_timer_actual_period);
1CF0:  BSF    FD8.0
1CF2:  MOVLB  1
1CF4:  SUBFWB x30,W
1CF6:  MOVLB  2
1CF8:  MOVWF  xE9
1D00:  MOVLB  2
1D02:  MOVWF  xEA
....................   set_timer1 (local_timer_reload);                        // set timer ready for next step
1D08:  MOVFF  2E9,FCE

<snip> (lengthy series of branches and calcultaions to move motor by required amount and calculate required delay before calling timer again)

....................     if (get_timer1 () < (local_timer_reload))             // if ISR latency was so long it missed a trigger
2006:  MOVF   FCE,W
2008:  MOVFF  FCF,03
200C:  MOVLB  2
200E:  MOVWF  xEB
2010:  MOVFF  03,2EC
2014:  MOVF   xEC,W
2016:  SUBWF  xEA,W
2018:  BNC   2028
201A:  BNZ   2022
201C:  MOVF   xE9,W
201E:  SUBWF  xEB,W
2020:  BC    2028
....................     {                                                     //
....................       set_timer1 (0xFC00);                                //  try again ASAP (with a little time left to process program loop stuff and decode comms)
2022:  MOVLW  FC
2024:  MOVWF  FCF
2026:  CLRF   FCE
2028:  MOVLB  1
....................     }                                                     //
....................   }                                                       //
.................... }                                                         //


.................... /**********************************************************/
.................... /*       Name: motor_convert_100_12
.................... /*    Purpose: take a number in the range -100 to +100 and convert it into range -12 to +12
.................... /* Design status: corrupts data at 02A and 02B courteousy of scratch data at 22A perhaps?
.................... /**********************************************************/
.................... signed int8 motor_convert_100_12 (signed int8 input_speed)
.................... {                                                         
....................   signed int8 local_speed;
....................   local_speed = input_speed;
54DE:  MOVFF  229,22A
....................   if (local_speed > 100)
54E2:  MOVLB  2
54E4:  BTFSC  x2A.7
54E6:  BRA    54F2
54E8:  MOVF   x2A,W
54EA:  SUBLW  64
54EC:  BC    54F2
....................     local_speed = 100;
54EE:  MOVLW  64
54F0:  MOVWF  x2A
....................   if (local_speed < -100)
54F2:  MOVF   x2A,W
54F4:  XORLW  80
54F6:  SUBLW  1B
54F8:  BNC   54FE
....................     local_speed = -100;
54FA:  MOVLW  9C
54FC:  MOVWF  x2A
....................   return (int8) ( local_speed * 12L / 100);         // convert from full scale into -12 > +12
54FE:  CLRF   03
5500:  MOVF   x2A,W
5502:  MOVWF  00
5504:  BTFSC  FE8.7
5506:  DECF   03,F
5508:  MOVWF  x2B
550A:  MOVFF  03,22C
550E:  CLRF   18
5510:  BTFSC  FF2.7
5512:  BSF    18.7
5514:  BCF    FF2.7
5516:  MOVFF  03,2F2
551A:  MOVWF  xF1
551C:  CLRF   xF4
551E:  MOVLW  0C
5520:  MOVWF  xF3
5522:  MOVLB  0
5524:  CALL   0E3C
5528:  BTFSC  18.7
552A:  BSF    FF2.7
552C:  MOVFF  02,22D
5530:  MOVFF  01,22C
5534:  MOVFF  02,22F
5538:  MOVFF  01,22E
553C:  MOVLB  2
553E:  CLRF   x31
5540:  MOVLW  64
5542:  MOVWF  x30
5544:  MOVLB  0
5546:  BRA    5462
5548:  MOVF   01,W
.................... }
554A:  RETLW  00


Configuration Fuses:
   Word  1: 2200   HS NOOSCSEN
   Word  2: 0F0E   BROWNOUT WDT128 WDT BORV20 PUT
   Word  3: 0000 
   Word  4: 0081   STVREN NODEBUG NOLVP
   Word  7: 400F   NOEBTR NOEBTRB

end P3M00.LST

PCM programmer

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:02 pm     Reply with quote

You have an array that's getting stepped on. Your believe that it's
caused by some sort of addressing problem.

Here's something to try. Rename the original array by appending
"_old" onto the end of it. Leave it in its present location as a place
holder. Then create a new version of the array (with the original
name) up in an out-of-the-way RAM location, say, up at 0x500.
Use the #locate directive to do this. Example:

// Rename the original array to "old".
int8 motor_fast_step_size_lookup_old[6];
// Add these two lines at the end of all your existing declarations.
int8 motor_fast_step_size_lookup[6];
#locate motor_fast_step_size_lookup = 0x500

Then see if you still have the same problem.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:37 am     Reply with quote

I have made that modification exactly as described above and the fault remains affecting the same location,
ie motor_fast_step_size_lookup_old[] (at 0x002A)is getting overwritten
but motor_fast_step_size_lookup[] (at 0x0500) remains intact so far as I can tell.

This seems to be a good fix for now, as my genuine data is uncorrupted, but I remain worried that the cause of this data corruption may also affect another location that I can't spot so easily and thus lead to niggling bugs remaining in the code.

As a crude workaround, is there perhaps a switch that will force the compiler to always specify the memory bank before accessing memory, or to always use 16 bit addressing. I realise this would probably slow the code down but this may be a necessary sacrifice in order to ensure reliability.


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:16 am     Reply with quote

I agree that the cause should be found. The real way to find it would be
to use an ICE and trigger it when a memory write occurs to 0x2A.
Without an ICE it probably has to be done by inspecting the .LST file,
so a smaller program would make it easier.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:50 am     Reply with quote

I could take a look at shrinking the code but this precise problem has only come to light in the latest stages of code development, I am concerned that shrinking the code would simply make it go away as I would take away the exact set of triggers.

A few ideas I have:
1. Is the memory bank setting, as set by MOVLB, automatically stored in the stack during interrupts? Perhaps a stack overflow due to numerous interrupts and deep subroutines? I'll have a search on the forum to find some more info on this and see what looks relevant to my project.
EDIT - not this as I already had the STVREN fuse to protect from this

2. ICE: I have an ICD-U40 but using the command line PCM compiler. Do I need to upgrade to PCWH or do I also need to upgrade the hardware too - as far as I recall the ICD allows you to put break points in code but not conditional breaks.

3. Try very slimline code but keeping all the existing interrupt routines.

4. Check for any hardware errors as described in
Silicon bug in the chip - some 18F series had a problem where they skipped an address when returning from an interrupt. This situation happened in applications that used both high and normal priority interrupts together - check the errata for the chip you are using

I'll begin afresh with my bughunting and report back on what I found

Cheers for your help thus far.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:56 am     Reply with quote

OK, I'm not sure now if the latest change I made (while systematically reducing the code size) has rectified the fault or simply masked the symptoms but it certainly looks to be behaving itself at the moment.

FYI what I found was a problem with my CAN bus comms.

I have written a routine that takes the latest CAN bus command and puts it into a FIFO buffer.
This routine first checks to see if there is space in the FIFO buffer, if there isn't space then it is left in the hardware buffer until space is made available - the idea being that the hardware will inform the transmitting device that it has no more room and so it should try later.

This routine is called from each of the two CAN bus interrupts in order to get the fastest response possible most of the time.
It is also called from the main loop in order to process any commands that were left in the hardware buffer during the ISR due to a full FIFO buffer.

I did not want to have any of the variables used in this routine stomping on each other due to reentrancy so defined the code as inline so that 3 separate instances were made of it.
Unfortunately I overlooked the fact that the final destination - i.e. the FIFO buffer was a global variable and this and its write pointer was referred to by all three instances of the routine.

I have now removed the inline definition and the compiler is helpfully disabling interrupts while this is called in order to prevent reentrancy (with the added bonus of saving me a significant amount of code space)

Ideally I would like to handle this myself with a flag that prevents recurrent execution of the code within the routine, thus I can still have the timer interrupts occuring in order to write steps to the stepper motor but that is a separate issue which I ought to be able to work out for myself.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

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