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Joined: 27 Jan 2006 Posts: 69 Location: Manchester, England
Lite-On Airboard IR Keyboard decoder |
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:58 pm |
I was given a Lite-On Airboard Wireless Keyboard (IR). but it had no receiver.
I built a pic small circuit (PIC18F252,10MHz XTAL,RS232) and I put an IR module which i removed from a DVD player on to pin C0 of my PIC.
after lots of fiddling I have come up with this peice of code that works.
I got the numbers 1-0 all to display on the LCD and the raw codes get sent to the RS232 for me to get the key code.
Code: | #use rs232(baud=1200,xmit=pin_c1,rcv=pin_c0,stream=ir)
#use rs232(baud=9600,parity=N,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7,bits=8,stream=tty)
if (0xff!=a)
b=fgetc(ir); c=fgetc(ir); d=fgetc(ir);
e=fgetc(ir); f=fgetc(ir);
case 0xd1 :
case 0xd0 :
// this continues for all the number keys
// removed for forum posting
} |
I want to do the entire keyboard and eventually move it to a PIC18F4550 and turn it into a USB keyboard interface.
So far I only did 10 keys and the C is getting to be very long. I'm still new to C programming so this is the best way I can reference which key makes which character on the screen.
If anyone has any more efficient way of doing this then I would be glad to hear it. |
Joined: 27 Jan 2006 Posts: 69 Location: Manchester, England
Joined: 27 Jan 2006 Posts: 69 Location: Manchester, England
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:21 pm |
I've now mapped all alpha-numeric keys, Space, Enter, Home and Caps lock. Ive also optimised it to notice the end of a packet. 0xA5 appears to be the end byte.
Code: |
while(0xa5!=b) // loop till end marker.
case 0xd1 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"1");else printf(lcd_putc,"!");break;}
case 0xd0 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"2");else printf(lcd_putc,"@");break;}
case 0xd7 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"3");else printf(lcd_putc,"#");break;}
case 0xd6 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"4");else printf(lcd_putc,"$");break;}
case 0xd5 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"5");else printf(lcd_putc,"%%");break;}
case 0xd4 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"6");else printf(lcd_putc,"^");break;}
case 0xdb : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"7");else printf(lcd_putc,"&");break;}
case 0xda : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"8");else printf(lcd_putc,"*");break;}
case 0xd9 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"9");else printf(lcd_putc,"(");break;}
case 0xd8 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"0");else printf(lcd_putc,")");break;}
case 0xf8 : {printf(lcd_putc,"\n");break;} //enter
case 0x83 : {lcd_gotoxy(0,0); break;} //home
case 0xc2 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"Q");else printf(lcd_putc,"q");break;}
case 0xc1 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"W");else printf(lcd_putc,"w");break;}
case 0xc0 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"E");else printf(lcd_putc,"e");break;}
case 0xc7 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"R");else printf(lcd_putc,"r");break;}
case 0xc6 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"T");else printf(lcd_putc,"t");break;}
case 0xc5 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"Y");else printf(lcd_putc,"y");break;}
case 0xc4 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"U");else printf(lcd_putc,"u");break;}
case 0xcb : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"I");else printf(lcd_putc,"i");break;}
case 0xca : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"O");else printf(lcd_putc,"o");break;}
case 0xc9 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"P");else printf(lcd_putc,"p");break;}
case 0xcc : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"A");else printf(lcd_putc,"a");break;}
case 0xf3 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"S");else printf(lcd_putc,"s");break;}
case 0xf2 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"D");else printf(lcd_putc,"d");break;}
case 0xf1 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"F");else printf(lcd_putc,"f");break;}
case 0xf0 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"G");else printf(lcd_putc,"g");break;}
case 0xf7 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"H");else printf(lcd_putc,"h");break;}
case 0xf6 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"J");else printf(lcd_putc,"j");break;}
case 0xf5 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"K");else printf(lcd_putc,"k");break;}
case 0xf4 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"L");else printf(lcd_putc,"l");break;}
case 0xfd : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"Z");else printf(lcd_putc,"z");break;}
case 0xfc : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"X");else printf(lcd_putc,"x");break;}
case 0xe3 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"C");else printf(lcd_putc,"c");break;}
case 0xe2 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"V");else printf(lcd_putc,"v");break;}
case 0xe1 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"B");else printf(lcd_putc,"b");break;}
case 0xe0 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"N");else printf(lcd_putc,"n");break;}
case 0xe7 : {if (1==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"M");else printf(lcd_putc,"m");break;}
case 0xee : {printf(lcd_putc," "); break;} //space
case 0xe6 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,",");else printf(lcd_putc,"<");break;}
case 0xe5 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,".");else printf(lcd_putc,">");break;}
case 0xc3 : {printf(lcd_putc," "); break;} //tab (im using 4 space)
case 0xc8 : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"[");else printf(lcd_putc,"{");break;}
case 0xcf : {if (0==capslock) printf(lcd_putc,"]");else printf(lcd_putc,"}");break;}
case 0xec : {printf(lcd_putc,"\f "); lcd_gotoxy(0,0); break;} //display (special key) (im using it to clear LCD)
case 0xcd : {if (1==capslock) capslock=0;
else capslock=1;
break;} //caps lock |
The caps lock part actually acts like a shift lock. it gives uppercase letter when its on and the symbol above the numbers also.
The keys I noticed give a press code (which repeats every second if held) then a release code. Im going to map the press code for the shift to set a variable then to unset it upon receiving the release key (or possible the absence of a press signal after a period incase the ir misses the release signal).
I'm also working on get the USB keyboard and mouse demo to be built using a PIC18F4550 so I can use it as a basis to move this project to and have a wireless keyboard/mouse. |
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