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csRtos ported to PIC - first file main.c
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periodic tasks?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:17 pm     Reply with quote

you guys are doing some fabulous work. I'm a beginner but I would like to ask a question about the periodic scheduling. As I read through the code, each task would be run as often as possible and being suspended by os as necessary. Is there any periodic scheduling mechanism included in this os? or shall i add periodic software interrupts on top of the codes would serve the purpose? thanks.

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Re: periodic tasks?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:05 am     Reply with quote

I've been traveling, sorry for the delay in replying.

leong wrote:
you guys are doing some fabulous work.

Embarassed thanks!
="leong"I'm a beginner but I would like to ask a question about the periodic scheduling. As I read through the code, each task would be run as often as possible and being suspended by os as necessary. Is there any periodic scheduling mechanism included in this os? or shall i add periodic software interrupts on top of the codes would serve the purpose? thanks.

I had to read through the comments several times to understand the available resources. An important point is that the os does not suspend the task. Each task must relinquish control by calling osWait(), osYeild(), osWAITSEMA, osWAITEVENT or osSUSPEND() (do I have them all?) Then the os will manage the details of when the task is started again.

Most types of scheduling can be handled with the above, but when you say "periodic scheduling" you mean "every second on the second" (for example) there is no direct way to do this.

Does this help?

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anybody used the new ccs RTOS?
PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:06 pm     Reply with quote

Hey everybody,

I'm pretty much thinking of dropping any more work using csRtos now that CCS has released their RTOS. Of course I'll need to pay for another years worth of updates


Has anybody tried the new RTOS?


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Re: anybody used the new ccs RTOS?
PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:04 pm     Reply with quote wrote:
Hey everybody,

I'm pretty much thinking of dropping any more work using csRtos now that CCS has released their RTOS. Of course I'll need to pay for another years worth of updates

Has anybody tried the new RTOS?


I have suspended use of csRTOS, I think my project does not benefit so much from it, and so it was more trouble (in my application) than it was worth.

Perhaps I will give it a go on another project.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:30 pm     Reply with quote

I noticed the rtos stuff in the latest update too. they do support periodic task but I have no idea how they managed it behind the api. I had one trouble using it is when two tasks have dramatically different rates, let's say one to be executed every 100us and the other at 500 ms. the slower task then got messed up. (i think 16bit timer 0 should be ok doing that with proper prescaler setup but somehow rtos_run() recalculated it and override my setting.. ) by the way i'm using 18f4431, 100us is for the pwm duty update and 500ms is for rs232.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:10 pm     Reply with quote

Too bad you guys arent supporting csRtos any longer, its very good. I guess similar functionality can be found in the ccs version. I have a question for you csRTOS gurus- How would you implement the event functionality in csRTOS using the ccs version? Would you use messages, or await?
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